Conservative Voters: Creating Evil

The constantly reinforced, recalcitrant conservative imbecility that permeates a wide swath of America is fed from the top.


[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ne would be hard pressed to identify a greater cause of evil in the world than conservatives. Conservative Members of the US Congress, in particular. Both US foreign and domestic policy are in service to corporate interests, and both are the products of conservatives in Congress.

Capitalism rules the American political system, and corporate profits fuel policy. Profits elect conservative lawmakers and bribes keep pragmatic or vacillating legislators in line.

Corporate lobbyists write legislation providing for corporate welfare from the general treasury, for corporate use of public lands and resources; they devise tax schemes for the wealthy, propose policies to gut regulatory oversight, and develop strategies to block progressive reforms.

The lobbyists’ legislation is dutifully supported by conservative legislators on the financial and political take from corporations, trade organizations, and right wing demagogues.

In survey after survey, the pollsters find that almost every ignoramus is a simplistic, diehard conservative, usually comfortable with authoritarian rule. 


The result is as evil as it is pernicious. Taxpayer’s money is passed out to Big Ag, Big Oil, and the Big Banks. American troops are sent to die in pursuit of oil and international trade. Americans go hungry, ill, and uneducated, while Wall Street flourishes.

Big Ag murders billions of animals each year, causes the destruction of the environment, clear cutting of the rainforests, and the poisoning of the population.

Big Oil pollutes the air and water, drills on public lands and under the seas, controls our foreign policy, and consigns young Americans to die for them in foreign lands.

The military-industrial complex wallows in revenues from military expenditures, munitions, foreign aid, and the production of weapons and instruments of death used against black and brown people in foreign lands.

Every drone, every missile, every plane, every helicopter, every bullet, means bottom-line profits to the death industries. Conservatives are the cheerleaders, beating the drums of war and proposing ever increasing military expenditures. They swagger in pious patriotism while sending American youths to kill and to die for multinational corporations and profits.

Bill O’Reilly, as filthy a piece of warmongering, disinforming scum as it gets, has the audacity here to insult Mother Jones for bad journalism. Thank Mr. Murdoch for that.  It is preposterous bullies like O’Reilly who maintain a regime of almost total imbecility in broad sectors of the American population, unfortunately, many in the working class . 

Conservative voters, the underlying reason that conservatives sit in Congress, are largely oblivious to the evil they cause, or if they do know, seem not to care.

But the root of most of the evil in the world can be seen in almost all American neighborhoods, in the churches each Sunday, in the workplaces and the Rotary clubs, in the Walmarts and at the ballgames.

The ignorant American conservative voter.

[box] Roland Vincent is a special editor for ecoanimal questions and socialism with The Greanville Post. His personal site is Armory of the Revolution. He maintains a very active social media presence. [/box]



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