Take your pick. It’s revolting any way you look at it.
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s hard to tell how this nonsense originated. Was this pathetic “softball” interview with B. Netanyahu Maher’s way of currying favor, certifying his “creds” as a member of the corporatist establishment? Or was it simply a way of cravenly insuring his career against possible challenges, an instance of intellectual laziness (to which he is notoriously prone); or a case of “subtle” pressure from HBO or his handlers? Equally bad, this could be a demonstration that the man is indeed a Zionist, and thinks nothing of using his show to whitewash the image of one of today’s most bloodthirsty and repugnant war criminals, Benjamin Netanyahu. All the laughs and bon mots in the world that Maher can generate will never erase this stain from his name. Below the main interview we also present some related episodes that offer a more productive informative angle.—P. Greanville
Published on Mar 18, 2013
Freedom fighter Mona Eltahawy OWNS Zionist Bill Maher
George Galloway, Christopher Hitchens on Bill Maher Show
Galloway calmly notes it was Carter, Reagan and the CIA (and succeeding administrations) that created the Frankenstein of Islamic Jihadism, and that this was reinforced by the US invariable support of Israel despite all the crimes the Zionist state commits and instigates.