Roland Windsor Vincent with Patrice Greanville
Inconvenient facts.
Gadhimai—It takes a particular kind of ignorance and moral imbecility to think that this kind of slaughter is pleasing to the “Gods.” (Click image to expand.)
The Gadhimai Festival is a centuries old tradition of murdering hundreds of thousands of helpless animals to please the Hindu goddess Gadhimai. Over the centuries the animal deaths have been in the tens of millions.
Just days after this year’s carnage, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake leveled Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, killing 4,000 people and counting.
I don’t believe in karma.
There is no justice.
If there were, the only people to have died in the earthquake would have been the killers from the festival.
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f we were well organized, and well funded, we should be propagandizing the people of Nepal that their cruelty is not appreciated by the Hindu goddess they sacrifice animals to.
A well crafted ad campaign might even force the ignorant and superstitious Nepalese killers to abandon the bloody tradition for fear of future natural disasters befalling the country.
Left to their own ignorance, it is likely they will determine the earthquake resulted from them not killing enough animals.
The US government is sending $10 million in humanitarian aid to Nepal. Aid is being sent from countries around the world.
If I were in a position to require it, I would make the aid conditional upon Nepal ending the Gadhimai Festival.
Massive cowardice and lack of compassion—what can make this religion more repulsive? This is the kind of display that makes aristocrats believe the “lower orders” deserve no respite from their chains.
ROLAND WINDSOR VINCENT serves a special editor for animal questions at The Greanville Post.