US carrying out psychological warfare against Baltic region’s people: Analyst


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Joaquin Flores: “What is strange and perhaps even criminal is the complicity of these Baltic states’ governments who are cynically engaging in a form of psychological warfare against their own people.”

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are committing a crime against their own people by cooperating with the United States in its psychological warfare against the Baltic region’s people, a geopolitical analyst in Europe says.

Joaquin Flores, who is the director of the Center for Syncretic Studies in Belgrade, Serbia, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Wednesday.

The United States has reportedly deployed four more warplanes to Estonia amid increasing tensions with Russia over the crisis in Ukraine.

According to Business Insider, at least four US Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II of the 354th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron arrived at Ämari Air Base in Estonia on April 30.

“We have heard confirmed reports that the United States has deployed four more warplanes to Estonia, in an attempt to stoke fears in the hearts and minds of the Baltic region’s people and demonstrate to Russia its willingness to start another war in Europe and Eurasia,” Flores said.

“The US is actually trying to create the very situation that it claims to be concerned about – growing tensions in the region…”

“In the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, the US under its NATO brand has amassed nearly a thousand tanks and many thousands of more military personnel,” he added.

“What is strange and perhaps even criminal is the complicity of these Baltic states’ governments who are cynically engaging in a form of psychological warfare against their own people,” he noted.

Relations between Washington and Moscow have deteriorated over the crisis in Ukraine.

The United States accuses Russia of sending troops into eastern Ukraine in support of the pro-Russian forces, an allegation the Kremlin denies.

The US military deployed at least 750 tanks and thousands of troops to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in order to deter what it described as “Russian aggression.”

“From a geostrategic and geopolitical perspective, Russia has no interests, economic, diplomatic or otherwise, in creating tensions between itself and its neighbors,” Flores said.

“Rather growing economic and diplomatic cohesiveness between Eurasian countries, like Russia and the Baltic states has been seen by the leaders and economists on both sides as mutually beneficial and even historically inevitable,” he stated.

“It is clear that the US is actually trying to create the very situation that they claim to be concerned about – growing tensions in the region,” he pointed out.

“But the tensions are entirely of US-NATO origin. The US is, metaphorically speaking, of course, hyperventilating the situation into existence; from drumbeating about tensions, it, through this act, creates the tensions,” the geopolitical analyst stated.

“That US and Estonian leaders have embroiled the Estonian people in this growing problem of potentially catastrophic proportions will not be lost either on history books or the course of law for years to come,” Flores emphasized.

[box] Special Associate Editor Joaquin Flores is a Mexican-American expat based in Belgrade. He is a full-time analyst and director at the Center for Syncretic Studies, a public geostrategic think-tank and consultancy firm, as well as the co-editor of Fort Russ news service. His expertise encompasses Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and he has a strong proficiency in Middle East affairs. Flores is particularly adept at analyzing ideology and the role of mass psychology, as well as the methods of the information war in the context of 4GW and New Media. He is a political scientist educated at California State University. In the US, he worked for a number of years as a labor union organizer, chief negotiator, and strategist for a major trade union federation. [/box]



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