John Cleese Gives Yanks the Lowdown on the U.K. Elections

cleeseelections_360Confused about the Tories? Who’s this Miliband guy, anyway? And how is it that there are four nations voting in the same election?

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith so many questions to consider about Thursday’s elections in the United Kingdom, it’s a good thing Monty Python alum and perennial funny chap John Cleese is on hand to break it all down for us American ignoramuses in language we can understand. Bloomberg Politics wisely looped Cleese into its coverage of the polls across the pond that day.

Take, for example, Cleese’s read on the Conservative Party (colloquially known as the Tories), which starts with an analysis of Conservative leader and current Prime Minister David Cameron and goes right to the money shot, describing the bigger economic picture in his homeland:

To hear Cleese’s full report about the U.K.’s big political day, click here.



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