RADIO SINOLAND | Xi & Putin Flip The West A Stiff Middle Finger

Dispatch from Beijing } Jeff Brown’s special reports 


44 Days | Xi & Putin Flip The West A Stiff Middle Finger, Radio Sinoland 15.5.12

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]otally censored in the US, May 9th 2015 was a hugely symbolic celebration of the Chinese-Russian anti-Western juggernaut, and it was all on display at the 70th anniversary parade of Russia’s victory over the fascist Nazis, that ended World War II. About all Xi and Putin didn’t do last week was to publicly urinate on an effigy of Uncle Sam. It was a giant F.U. to the West from start to finish. This show will give you all the details. It is a fast seven minutes, so buckle up.



Remember: All captions and pullquotes are furnished by the editors, NOT the author(s). 

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