Big Pharma and its Crimes


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]oday most people are so consumed by their day-to-day problems that at times they tend to completely overlook the danger of certain medicines, vitamins and supplements that Western pharmaceutical companies sell them in order to get some profit. These people are careless, since they are only concerned with dealing with immediate issues without giving any consideration to the health risks a drug can pose. For them it’s of little importance that the majority of modern drugs has not been researched properly, so their safety or efficiency is only assumed, but not proven. Most often it is the case with vitamins or dietary supplements, but same can be said about certain drugs and even vaccines that were produced in the US. That is why the pharmacological market is flourishing, allowing Big Pharma to enrich itself at the expense of ordinary people.

Vladimir PlatovScreen Shot 2015-08-22 at 7.41.15 PM

As shown by studies, medical products kill up to 100 thousand people each year, while additional 2 million people suffer serious illnesses due to their use. In the United States such studies confirmed that doctors prescribe antibiotics to both children and adults to treat viral diseases, when in a half of all cases this measure is unnecessary (e.g. the common cold). Research carried out by scientists of the Department of Medicine at Harvard University, showed that about 20% of hospitalized patients were taking drugs that had been prescribed by a doctor that caused some serious damage to their health.

In this regard one must note that the word “medicine” comes from the Greek root word «pharmakeia», which has two meanings: “a remedy” and “a poison.”

Thus, Toulouse University Hospital has recently published a warning on its website against uncontrolled use of drugs for the common cold that are being actively advertised in certain drug stores. Some of these have proved to be particularly dangerous for the cardiovascular system of a person. In particular, with the change of weather, it’s a common practice when pharmacists begin to offer a wide range of drugs manufactured by Western pharmaceutical companies (e.g. Actifed Rhume, Humex Rhume, Nurofen Rhume, Sudafed, Rhinadvil and others), all of which contain pseudoephedrine. These drugs are a serious threat to one’s health and may cause myocardial infarction or cerebral hemorrhage due to their ability to rapidly increase blood pressure and, as a consequence – increase the demand for oxygen of one’s heart and brain.

France’s National Agency for drug safety (ANSM) has repeatedly drawn attention to the danger of the uncontrolled use of medicines containing pseudoephedrine and recently it has been forced to publicly admit it.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]nother example of criminal activities of western pharmaceutical companies is the recent scandal in Africa, where doctors sterilized millions of girls and women under the guise of carrying out the World Health Organization and UNICEF vaccination program against tetanus. Such accusations were put forward by the Association of Catholic doctors in Kenya that found antigen HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in vaccines, the very antigen that causes miscarriage in women. As stated by Dr. Muhamed Ngare from Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi, six samples of the vaccines that were sent to the laboratory of South Africa allowed them to confim the presence of antigen HCG. It is said that a total of 30% of all anti-tetanus vaccine in Kenya contains antigen HCG, and these were shipped with the financial support of the World Health Organization and UNICEF.

Brian Clowes of Human Life International in Virginia, while commenting on the scandal in an interview with news channel LifeSite said that international organizations themselves are unlikely to be directly involved in such incidents as they are interested in maintaining their perfect international image. Typically, these organizations allow the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) and USAID to do all the dirty work on their part. When Brian was asked about the reasons for attempts to reduce the population in developing countries carried out by such organizations, the first explanation Clovers would come up with was “racism”. However, he did not rule out completely the intention to seize natural resources of developing countries as a possible cause.


Generations in the postwar were conditioned to trust doctors and Big Pharma unconditionally, and while most doctors are principled professionals, the medical system, as a whole, is dominated by capitalist imperatives that often clash with healthcare obligations to the patient. (Photo: Robert Young as Marcus Welby, MD, 1973)

Generations in the postwar were conditioned to trust doctors and Big Pharma unconditionally, and while most doctors are principled professionals, the medical system, as a whole, is dominated by capitalist imperatives that often clash with healthcare obligations to the patient. (Photo: Robert Young as Marcus Welby, MD, 1973)

According to the vigilant Kenyan doctors, the vaccine against tetanus has previosuly been used in Mexico in 1993, and in Nicaragua, and the Philippines in 1994. In this case, doctor Ngara said that before – in 1990 – the World Health Organization already tried to implement a program to reduce the birth rate in Kenya, but then the Catholic doctors managed to convince the government of the country to stop the implementation of such a program.

As noted in the report of the Association of Catholic Doctors of Kenya, African countries have been a laboratory for mass testings on humans for decades. Big Pharma studied the effects of mass vaccinations, genetic changes from taking certain medications, reactions to various infections, viruses, and so on here. These “researches” are run by private pharmaceutical companies, Pentagon, the CIA and the well-known Bill Gates Foundation. These criminal activities must be brought to an end.

The facts described in this article are just a tip of the iceberg. Many more instances of abuse and betrayal of the public trust occur routinely.


Vladimir Platov, an expert on the Middle East, exclusively for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook.

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