Will Novorossiya Vote to join Russia in Autumn?

The rebel republics may soon be the latest addition to the Russian Federation. 

Alexander Chalenko for Politnavigator, translated by J Arnoldski


Novorossiya soldiers relax after capturing Donetsk’s airport.

“Referendum on the the joining of Donbass to Russia will take place in late autumn”
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n late autumn, the integration of the two Novorossiya republics, the DPR and LPR, into the structure of Russia will reach a qualitatively new level: it is expected that after a month, after holding local elections to the government of Novorossiya, a referendum will be carried out which will put forth the question of the DPR and LPR joining the Russian Federation.
This was reported by a source close to Alexander Zakharchenko, head of the Donetsk republic.
“It was previously announced that local elections in the DPR will be held sometime in the beginning of the second half of October, and in early November in the LPR. So consider this. It turns out that the referendum is expected in the DPR in the second half of November and in the LPR in early December.

True, elections have only been declared but not scheduled. Kiev is not going to accept them, and therefore there is no intent to make changes to the necessary laws on elections. There is a chance that the OSCE, which doesn’t know all of the cunning and tricks of Kiev, can recognize these elections, so they should be carried out. And they will be carried out.

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]o, the referendum will be held a month following local elections,” the interviewee reported.
“I think that no one has doubts about what kind of turnout and what kind of results will be for such a referendum. Personally I assumed that more than 90% of citizens of the DPR and LPR will vote for joining Russia.
I have had to repeatedly write and say that the people of Donbass want neither an “independent” DPR and LPR, nor an “independent” Novorossiya, but precisely the (re)entry of these historically Russian territories into the Russian Federation.
I cannot personally doubt this, because during my trips to Donbass over a year, I repeatedly discussed this with those who usually called common people, and they are primarily interested in only one question which is the main one for them: when will Russia take us in?
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[dropcap]D[/dropcap]onbass rose up in Spring, 2015 not only because it protested against the coup d’etat in February, 2014, but also because it wanted a repetition of the Crimean scenario for itself. So the mere presentation of such a question in a referendum will radically change the mood and psychological state of people in Donbass, and more clearly indicate the geopolitical perspective of Donbass and its geopolitical goal.
This will immediately give even greater meaning to the struggle of the DPR and LPR. The referendum will underline that such terrible sacrifices have not been in vain. After all, hardly anyone, after what has happened over the past year, wants to return to membership in Ukraine.
Thus, this referendum will be a clear application of what the authorities of the DPR and LPR want, being followed by the decision to grant residents of Donetsk and Lugansk Russian passports, the establishment of economic cooperation by linking Novorossiya, South Ossetia, and Russia, and the introduction of the Russian ruble as the unit of payment.
Skeptics can argue with me that this is not worth rejoicing. In 2006, Transnistria held a similar referendum, and after that did it become part of Russia? No! So why expect anything different from this referendum?!
Undoubtedly, there is a grain of truth in such skepticism. But the fundamental difference is still there: in contrast to Transnistria, Donbass has a common border with Russia. At any given time during more or less favorable circumstances, Russia, as in the case of Crimea, can give its go-ahead for reunification with the Donbas.
The carrying out of the referendum, in such a view, will also be another blow to the Russian whiners and others of the Strelkovist intelligentsia who continue to talk nonsense that Moscow “is ditching Novorossiya.”