High time the world prohibited ALL ritual sacrifices, whatever the faith (or at least declared them morally repugnant).

horiz-long grey
EditorsNote_White[dropcap]T[/dropcap]o the disgrace of an enlightened and compassionate humanity, in animal sacrifices, public “festivals” and even common “entertainment” (in which animal torture and subjugation are seen as perfectly normal),   the large-scale brutalization of non-human, fully sentient creatures is still permitted and even required by the most backward sectors of several religions and cultures around the world.  As we might expect, those cultures still more deeply stuck in medievalism and conservative traditions exhibit the worst dimensions of animal sacrifice and insensitivity to the animals’ pain. To their shame, and in direct contradiction of the believers’ claim that their deities and prophets are not only almighty but compassionate, Islam, Hinduism, Orthodox Judaism, Santeria, Catholicism, and scores of other cults and faiths endorse such practices.

A bull bled heavily

A bull bled heavily

Bullfights and Holiday festivals in Spain (most endorsed by the local Catholic parishes, defended as defining “Spanish” culture, and now under vigorous attack by animal rights campaigners). Bullfights, and the celebratory lore surrounding this spectacle, along with hundreds of festivals throughout Spain involving the murder and torture of animals, from bulls, to chickens and goats, has long been an embarrassment to the rest of Europe, although the “traditions” have been unthinkingly glamorized by Hollywood and prominent writers, iccluding Hemingway. 

Kaporos, etc (Jewish). The three “Judeo-Christian/Ibrahamic” religions are notorious for their deeply embedded dominionist posture.  In practice, and not due to any moral improvement, the Jewish faith no longer permits animal sacrifices, per se, something at one time required of followers of the Torah.  According to Jewish precepts it was only permitted and obligatory to bring (animal) sacrifices to the Holy Temple, but when this was destroyed, with no sanctified place available, the sacrifices of animals stopped.  The complicated situation is explained thusly: 

No major faith or culture is exempt from condoning heinous practices against all sorts of non-human animals. The problem is rooted at the level of our species. 

After seventy years of Babylonian Exile, just as the Prophet Daniel had promised, the exile ended. Many Jews returned to the Holy Land, and we once again built the Holy Temple. And still it was forbidden to bring sacrifices anywhere else.

420 years later, the Holy Temple was destroyed again, this time by the Romans. Once again, we were in exile. This time, the Rabbis told us, the exile will last very long, and no end date is known.


At long last: From now on, no more animal sacrifice at Nepal’s Gadhimai festival).

Eid (Islam/All Islamic nations: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, ISIL, Iraq, etc.)

Eid al-Adha, also known as “Bakr Id,” “Feast of the Sacrifice” and “Greater Eid,” is celebrated to commemorate the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ishmael as an act of submission to Allah (God). Muslims sacrifice sheep, lambs, cows and camels to remember Ibrahim’s devotion.

As usual, it does not occur to these people that the most elementary thinking would highlight the sheer moral bankruptcy of having another sentient, totally innocent, animal, be forced to stand in and pay with her life, for the humans’ supposed “sacrifice” to a cruel God. 

Most unfortunately, many PC liberals (not to mention conservatives, for their own reasons), and the normal cowardice and opportunism of politicians, oppose any state acts to outlaw such rites in the name of “cultural respect.” Complicating matters even further, the longstanding criminality of our foreign policy, which has marked the Middle East and Muslims in general for savage repression, destroying and disrupting with abandon many of their nations, has erased any moral standing the West might have had to frown on such customs. Lastly, as long as humanity continues to allow the massive, phenomenal torture and killing of animals for food in the name of business, “necessity,” or as a (literally) God-given right (dominionism), the cancellation of these horrid practices will be an uphill struggle. Indeed, massive hog and chicken production are now enormous threats to the environment.  Factory farming is on a par with CO2 emissions as a factor in global warming. This is no longer about just compassion—always welcome—but of being consistent with a revolutionary overhaul of society for the sake of the planet itself.

Islam, an embattled civilization
Below we reproduce a report hailing Russia's decision (in 2014) to ban the celebration of Eid in Moscow and other major cities. We should note the source is barenakedislam, openly Islamophobic, and that TGP does not subscribe to the notion that Islam, per se, is inherently more brutal than any other faith (the Christian Reformation saw millions massacred all over Europe, and, more recently, India's partition in the 1940s saw millions killed as Hindus and Muslims clashed in a cycle of attack and revenge that did not peter out for many years). In our view, the savage strain of Islam merely exists and flourishes in cultures where backwardism continues to dominate, especially as a result of a perverse dynamic between local elites and foreign meddling by Western powers. We repeat, Islam is not, in our view, inherently more violent as a cultural phenomenon, than any other religio-cultural construct. It was not Islam that waged the genocidal Crusades, but Christian Europe, a struggle during which it was Islamic leaders that stood out for their level of prudence and civilization.  Saladin (1137 or 1138 – March 1193), known as Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb, and the man who defeated the Crusader army, is an example of this. Few, if any, modern political and military leaders can touch the standards he set for enlightened rule, mercy and decency to his enemies, not to mention generosity toward his subjects. (Incidentally, Saladin was born of Kurd parentage at Tikrit, Saddam Hussein's ancestral home.)

Moscow bans Islamic sacrifice of fully-conscious animals for upcoming Muslim holiday of Eid (2014)


Muslims in the Russian capital Moscow have been denied the right to celebrate the upcoming Eid al-Adhu (Feast of the Sacrifice) Islamic holiday after local authorities banned them from carrying out the traditional slaughter ritual, famous for its barbaric and agonizingly slow, pain-filled blood-letting of animals.

World Bulletin  The second of the two Eid holidays in the Islamic calendar, Muslims typically celebrate the occasion by slaughtering a lamb, a cow or a camel and distributing its meat to relatives, neighbors and the poor.


However, a spokesman for the city’s inter-regional cooperation, national policy and religious organizations department, told Interfax on Wednesday that the sale and slaughter of sacrificial animals will be banned in Moscow during the holiday.

Muslims will be allowed to fulfill the religious rite in villages outside of the main city, he added.


A recent influx of migrant workers in Moscow from mainly Muslim parts of Russia, such as the northern Caucasus and central Asia, have brought to light new issues in the city, amid increasing tensions between migrants and the city’s Slavic community.

Currently, there are only four official mosques in Moscow, which is insufficient to cope with the increase of Muslims arriving in the city.


Muslims in Moscow in recent years have had to resort to praying their Eid prayers in public squares with prior permission from the local authorities.

In total, around 23 million Muslims live in Russia, making it the country’s second largest religion with 15% of the overall population of 145 million.





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