BREAKING: Another young Palestinian shot in cold blood in Hebron

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International Solidarity Movement



BREAKING: At 3.25pm today, Wednesday 28th October, another young Palestinian man—still not identified— was shot in cold blood in the Hebron neighborhood of Tel Rumeida. The incident, witnessed by human rights observers from the International Solidarity Movement walking in the street near the Gilbert Checkpoint, saw him get shot from 2 meters away by Israeli forces. An eyewitness from ISM, who would like to be identified as Orion, for security reasons, stated: “I am 100% sure he was unarmed. I saw the two soldiers creeping slowly along the road outside our apartment window with their guns cocked, so I looked down the street to see why. I saw an unarmed man walking normally towards the soldiers and suddenly they shot.

At least 12 shots were fired and he died almost immediately at the scene due to wounds sustained on his arms and torso.

There was no commotion at the site prior to the incident. Another ISM witness stated “It was just like last night, when they shot Hammam Said. Everything was quiet and suddenly we heard many shots outside our apartment. I am sure he was unarmed and they murdered him for no reason, just like Hammam”

Minutes prior to the incident, a policewoman was overheard at the Shuhada Street checkpoint 56 saying on her radio “he looks like a good one, shoot him.”

Our deepest gratitude to Vanessa Beeley for her brave work on behalf of oppressed people in the Middle East and elsewhere. Source:

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