Sanders’ Hypocrisy/Carson’s Geopolitical Ignorance

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 by  Stephen Lendman

Choice for US voters next November is none at all. None of the duopoly candidates represent their interests.

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Sanders: “Chavez was a communist dictator.”

Sanders doesn’t believe one NATO killing machine is enough. He wants a second one – “work(ing) with our NATO partners…includ(ing) Russia and (rogue) Arab League” states, according to remarks he made at Georgetown University.

He wants it collaborating to defeat the made-in-America scourge of terrorism – without explaining its root cause.

Earlier, he outrageously lied, calling the late Hugo Chavez, murdered by Washington, a “communist dictator.” He disgracefully and willfully lied again, saying popularly elected and overwhelmingly supported Bashar al-Assad is a “brutal dictator who has slaughtered many of his own people.”

“Sanders’ so-called “democratic socialism” is neither democratic nor socialist. It’s money-controlled duopoly power – one party with two right wings, each like the other on issues mattering most, differing only in style and rhetoric…”

He continues defending them from the scourge of US-imported ISIS and other terrorists. Sanders wants him ousted, perhaps supporting a US-installed tinpot despot regime like in Ukraine, a rogue state waging war on its own people he supports.

His so-called “democratic socialism” is neither democratic nor socialist. It’s money-controlled duopoly power – one party with two right wings, each like the other on issues mattering most, differing only in style and rhetoric.

He endorses corporate America, ignoring its exploitation of people, the environment and world resources, profiteering from endless wars – believing like other con men that the business of America is business – not real democratic socialism.

He’s mindless of endless imperial wars, high crimes against peace, millions of lives lost, and unspeakable human misery – at home and abroad.

He wholeheartedly endorses America’s war OF terror, pretending it’s otherwise – ignoring the global terrorist threat Republican and Democrat policymakers created.

His congressional voting record exposes his high-sounding rhetoric – voting 98% of the time with Democrats, more than most party members, supporting outrageous policies, including militarism, Israel’s killing machine, and America’s imperial lawlessness.

His self-styled progressivism is phony – saying one thing, doing another like all the rest. A Sanders presidency would replicate Obama’s deplorable agenda, exceeding the worst of George Bush.

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A previous article said Ben Carson knows more about neurosurgery than geopolitics. His foreign policy advisors are exasperated, saying he fails to grasp major issues.

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His public gaffes include accusing China of intervening militarily in Syria. He drew a blank on national television, unable to name nations he’d call on to fight ISIS.

His foreign policy advisors say he’s unable to grasp “the intricacies of the Middle East and national security,” despite intense tutoring, according to The New York Times.

Former CIA operative/Iran-Contra criminal Duane “Dewey” Clarridge is his top advisor on terrorism. He expressed frustration, saying “(n)obody has been able to sit down with him and have him get one iota of intelligent information about the Middle East.” [Either way, we tremble to think that he might, considering the advice.—Eds.]

He needs weekly conference calls, trying to “make him smart.” His public comments question his capability to handle and make decisions on major geopolitical issues he’ll face as president.

Carson along with Donald Trump tops Republican polls. Neither aspirant has any knowledge of the workings of government – nor do they support populist issues.

Trump wants forced registration of Muslims, some mosques closed, and “bomb(ing) the hell out of ISIS” – meaning escalated wars on Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. Carson calls Syrian refugees “rabid dogs.”

Both represent old wine in new bottles, same old dirty business as usual – Democrat aspirants Clinton and Sanders no different.

Choice for US voters next November is none at all. None of the duopoly candidates represent their interests.

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