NATO’s absurd denials amid acts of war in Syria


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By Finian Cunningham
Despite absurd denials, the grim conclusion is that NATO is at war in Syria…Russia has exposed a “giant, sordid criminal enterprise” whereby Western governments are being seen to be in league with regional despotic regimes like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

A Royal Air Force's Tornado takes off from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland, December 2, 2015. REUTERS/Russell Cheyne TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

A Royal Air Force’s Tornado takes off from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland, December 2, 2015. REUTERS/Russell Cheyne TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY


In two weeks we have seen two apparent acts of war by the US-led NATO military alliance in Syria. First, the Turkish shoot-down of a Russian warplane inside Syrian airspace; now this week the Syrian army is hit in a deadly airstrike.

Despite absurd denials, the grim conclusion is that NATO is at war in Syria.

The Syrian government is unequivocal about the latest incident. Damascus issued a condemnation to the UN Security Council on Monday over what it says is “a flagrant act of aggression” by the US military coalition. Early reports say three Syrian soldiers were killed and over a dozen others seriously wounded when an army base was blasted in the Deir Ezzor eastern province. Four US-led coalition warplanes were apparently involved in the attack, firing nine missiles at the base.

Warren-Uniformed liar.

Warren-Uniformed liar.

However, Colonel Steve Warren, spokesman for the US coalition, was quoted by various media outlets denying that NATO aircraft carried out the raid. Warren claimed that coalition fighter jets had conducted airstrikes at a location 55 kilometers from the Syrian army camp, which is located near the village of Ayyash.

He said the airstrikes were against oil-smuggling operations run by the Islamic State (IS) terror group and there were “no humans” in the vicinity.

So who did carry out the deadly attack on the Syrian army? The US, Britain and France have been flying warplanes in the eastern province where the IS group has its strongholds around Deir Ezzor.

Pres. Assad

Pres. Assad: “There’s no doubt who did this and why.”

Washington and its NATO allies have negligible credibility. The US-led alliance has been operating an absurdist policy while bombing Syria for the past 15 months. Allegedly targeting the IS network, the terror group has only expanded its territory since Washington began (illegally) bombing Syria back in September 2014.


Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Maj-Gen Igor Konashenkov.

More recently, NATO has flatly denied Turkey’s provocative shoot-down of a Russian warplane even though Russia’s flight data shows that its Su-24 bomber was hit by a Turk F-16 jet that breached Syria’s border before firing its air-to-air missile.

SU-24 Tactical bomber.

SU-24 Tactical bomber.

Washington has also denied extensive aerial evidence of oil smuggling by the Islamic State terror group wending its way across the border to Turkish industrial centers.

Russian defense ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov has mocked the American “see no evil” statements on the industrial-scale oil smuggling into Turkey as a “theater of absurd”.

When does theater of the absurd stop peddling double think and just become plain, factual war theater?

American political analyst Randy Martin at says that recent events are proof that Washington and its NATO allies are indeed at war in Syria. Not against the IS jihadists, as officially claimed, but against the Syrian state. By extension that means NATO has also moved to a war footing against Russia, as an ally of the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Syria slams US-led coalition deadly strike against troops as ‘act of aggression’

“It’s quite clear that the US and the other NATO powers have stepped up their military operations in Syria precisely because their covert war for regime change against Assad is being smashed up by Russia’s intervention,” Martin told me. “The whole notion of the West backing so-called moderate rebels while being opposed to the Islamic State brigades is just a preposterous charade furnished in part by the Western media. All these groups are working as mercenary proxy armies for the Western objective of regime change.”

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has dealt a decisive blow to the US-led covert campaign of deploying various proxy terror groups to overthrow the Syrian state. It’s like Putin has smashed a hornet’s nest hanging from a tree and now all hell is breaking out,” says the analyst.

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ince Russia ordered its warplanes and cruise missiles into Syria on September 30, the intervention has decimated hundreds of jihadi bases and, crucially, the oil-for-weapons racket that fuels the Western-backed covert war.

Martin reckons that this strategic reversal for US-led objectives in Syria is what is motivating the sharp upturn in NATO military operations in the country. Last week, the British and German parliaments voted for their air forces to join the US and French airstrikes. Britain’s RAF has already carried out strikes, the first one coming within hours of London’s parliamentary approval.

The analyst says that the NATO military gear-change is

“all about salvaging a situation in which Western powers are losing their covert war and their proxy means to prosecute that war.”

Russia has exposed a “giant, sordid criminal enterprise” whereby Western governments are being seen to be in league with regional despotic regimes like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. More damningly, Western governments are also shown to be colluding with some of the most barbaric terror groups known in modern times.

Putin’s principled military intervention to defend Syrian state sovereignty has flushed out the criminal parties and their joint enterprise to overthrow an elected government.

This is why Washington and its NATO allies have reacted with such manic militarism. It is entirely plausible that Turkey was given the green light by its NATO superiors to shoot down the Russian warplane on November 24.

The contradictions in NATO’s stated policies, as uncovered by Russia in Syria, are becoming unbearable.

US President Barack Obama at the weekend made yet another solemn nationwide speech telling the American people that as Commander-in-Chief he was committed to “hunting down” terror groups in Syria and Iraq. Obama also declared that his government would order regional allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey to clamp down on funding for terrorists.

One name keeps popping up as the primary culprit of regional demand for the Islamic State’s “terrorist oil” – that of Turkish president Recep Erdogan’s son: Bilal Erdogan. (See below)

turk-Bilal-Erdogan-Turkey-funding-ISIS-1But virtually everything in reality shows that Washington and its Western allies are telling lies. Their military operations in Syria and Iraq have only made the terror networks expand and their Turk ally – a NATO member – is up to its eyes in financing jihadists through a massive oil-smuggling racket and other support operations. 

US Secretary of State John Kerry has even backed Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov’s calls for the Turkish border to be closed down to prevent the flow of illicit oil, weapons and fighters. Yet, Washington on the other hand patently denies that Turkey is involved in this terror trade.


No man left behind: Dramatic details emerge of downed Su-24 pilot rescue


[dropcap]G[/dropcap]ripping new details of the rescue of the downed Russian Su-24 pilot have been revealed. The details are straight out of the movie “Black Hawk Down,” and reveal how Russian Marines saved the pilot in a breath-taking frontline op involving a fierce shootout with militants.

Cpt Konstantin Murakhtin, who escaped death after his jet was attacked by a Turkish Air Force F-16, parachuted into the middle of territory held by hostile Syrian rebel fighters, making any effort to save him incredibly dangerous. His fellow pilot Lt Col Oleg Pershin was reportedly killed by Turkmen militants in the air even before landing. Murakhtin was fortunate enough to land safely, but his position was directly in the line of crossfire from the Syrian Army and terrorists. He activated a life beacon and could do nothing but wait for help. The Marine rescue team sent to save the pilot left Russia’s Khmeimim airbase minutes after the Su-24 bomber was shot down by the Turks in Syrian airspace, just one kilometer from the Turkish border. “We moved out just 15 minutes after we got information that the Turks had downed our aircraft. The area was between Durin and Turkmen heights, where fierce shootouts have been taking place. We scrambled three [Mi-8] helicopters which headed for the probable crash site,” a source close to the rescue operation told RIA Novosti.

When approaching the site the incoming helicopters came under heavy fire from terrorists. Two Russian choppers had to return to base, while one crash-landed under mortar shelling with crew and 12 Marines on board. One Marine, Aleksandr Pozynich, was killed in action as he left the chopper to find cover from mortar shelling from a nearby hilltop. 

Syrian military who were nearby rushed to help the Russian Marine, covering the group from three sides. The Syrians came “right on time,” says the source, and managed to extract the Russian troops from under fire.

Murakhtin, who won the Top Navigator award at Russia’s biggest military flying competition last year, said he will ask to return to duty as soon as he is declared fit by doctors.

“I must pay back the debt for my commander,” he said.
The video below shows portions of this operation.

Russia and the Syrian (Arab) army —SAA—are the two forces that have made decisive advances against the terror brigades.

In the past week, the Syrian army with Russian air support has retaken major areas of Aleppo in the north, Homs in the centre and Qalamoun to the west. The Syrian-Russian alliance is also moving to push back jihadists in the oil-rich eastern provinces – the last stronghold of these mercenaries.

The Syrian army base hit this week near Deir Ezzor was an important spearhead against IS in the east.

It is therefore hard not to conclude, according to Martin, that the US and its NATO allies are caught in a dilemma.

“Their backs are against the wall because Russia is destroying their criminal enterprise in Syria,” he says.

And, disturbingly, it looks like Washington is prepared to start a world war in order to save its criminal enterprise – while acting as the air force for jihadist terrorists.

 Finian-CunninghamFinian Cunningham has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. Many of his recent articles appear on the renowned Canadian-based news website Globalresearch.  He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in journalism. He specializes in Middle East and East Africa issues and has also given several American radio interviews as well as TV interviews on Press TV and Russia Today. His interests include capitalism, imperialism and war, socialism, justice and peace, agriculture and trade policy, ecological impact, science and technology, and human rights.  More details  

CrossTalk: Syrian chessboard

First Published on Dec 9, 2015

Recent claims that the US bombed a Syrian military installation may be a telling example of how Washington and its allies intend to escalate their war on the Syrian government and NOT against terrorists. It would appear [Pres] Assad remains target number one.

CrossTalking with Martin Jay, Marcus Papadopoulos, and Ivan Eland.




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