The Syrian Story: Imperial Disinformation Dept., the presstitutes at work

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CBS' Scott Pelley gravelly reciting the reasons to hate Assad. Except he's got the wrong guy. The people who caused this child's tragedy are not in Damascus but Washington, London, Tel Aviv, Paris—and Ryadh, of course. But the corporate media will never admit that basic fact.

CBS’ mouthpiece Scott Pelley somberly reciting the reasons why we must all hate Assad. Except he’s got the wrong guy. The people who caused this child’s tragedy are not in Damascus but Washington, London, Tel Aviv, Paris—and Ryadh, of course. But the corporate media will never admit that basic fact.

eye on the media
The presstitutes at work

We note with disgust but no surprise the degree of coordination achieved by the Western media these days, with almost metronomic precision one major outlet (BBC) replicating what the other(s) are saying.

The case of Syria and Ukraine are by now classic examples of complete disinformation. In Syria the empire, with its obsessive, unrelenting and robotic tenacity continues to press for the toppling of Bashir al-Assad. Thus what these channels disseminate about that tortured nation, which the US and its vassals plunged into infernal chaos, is all Orwellian lies, most of them outrageous distortions of the truth, if not outright staged events prepared by the empire’s Hollywood assets. The object is as usual to prop up Washington’s criminal agenda across the planet, and defeat the anti-imperialists efforts to set the record straight. They also need to spread constant lies to push back against the emerging multipolar world represented by Russia and China.

Thus, the reports, almost uniformly, while sounding complete and trustworthy, and pulling all the right emotional strings, are routinely lacking in context and avoid mentioning the most essential facts, like:

• WHO the hell started this catastrophe?
• Who really benefits from this and similar catastrophes?

Since the answers to those questions would lead directly to an indictment of Washington and Wall Street, as global supra-governmental entities, the very heart of the Anglo-Zionist empire, there is never any such mention. After all, the mass media belong to them, the global plutocracy, and they use it cynically and hypocritically every single day as an ideological bludgeon, or better still, drug, to keep the masses from understanding contemporary reality.

How abject can they get? Watch the below and ponder. There are apparently no limits.

The “reporters” and presenters of such “news” are of course pathetic, defined by their appalling ignorance and/or whorishness (read: dedication to their own careers and self-aggrandisement).

As antidote against these toxins, read any of our articles on this topic to get a real grasp of the situation in Syria and the Middle East.

This is what the powerful CBS bullhorn is saying….
Dateline: 1.7.16

The CBS official blurb accompanying this release:

“Graphic Images: Syrian government forces are blockading rebel-controlled towns in Syria, and residents are starving as a result. One resident said they are “dying in slow motion” due to a lack of food, water, and medicine. Ellizabeth Palmer reports.”

And this is what the “respectable” (and ever self-impressed and soi-disant “authoritative”) BBC is saying. Any wonder why the people are bamboozled?

The official BBC blurb:

Published on Jan 7, 2016

“The situation in three besieged villages in Syria is “extremely dire”, the International Committee of the Red Cross has warned. Activists (read: al Qaeda and other terrorist groups) say civilians have died because of a lack of food and medicine in rebel-controlled Madaya, near Damascus, or have died trying to escape. Jim Muir reports.”

And the Gulf kleptocrats that include Qatar (which controls Al Jazeera) add their own megaphone to the chorus of lies:

“Published on Jan 3, 2016

Fighting from within, bombed from above, and now starvation.  Syria’s struggling population continues to dwindle, as lives are lost to both war and hunger.

More than half of all Syrians are in need of humanitarian assistance.

The United Nations says it is unable to help around two million children because they’re blocked by fighting or siege.

In some areas the price of food has skyrocketed so that a kilo of rice now costs $100.

While civilians are starving in Syrian towns, the international community is stalled on a political solution.

Opposition groups are meeting in the Saudi capital Riyadh this week. They are trying to determine who will be included in negotiations scheduled for later this month – talks aimed at preventing Syria’s civil war from going into a sixth year.

Inside Story takes a look at the besieged towns of Zabadani and Madaya, once popular resorts which are now in ruins. And asks, who will ease the suffering of civilians still trapped in Syria?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan


Meantime, the lies spread by other “news channels” controlled by Washington, like HBO’s VICE NEWS, do their job, too, in building and fortifying the Big Lie.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he case of Vice News is instructive.  This is a program that has produced some very interesting shows. However, like good liberals, they concentrate on digging up the perennial abuses of the system—endemic poverty, attacks on immigrants, racism, corporate abuses, etc.—but always presenting such horrors as products of bad politicians, bad corporate executives, or aberrations to an otherwise functioning, democratic system. In that manner they never inform the public that such flaws are SYSTEMIC, and inherent in “free enterprise”, and that they will not cease until the system itself is overhauled or tossed out.

Meantime, in the area of foreign policy, as these videos illustrate, Vice News, like all American and Western media, follows the Washington line 100%. The upshot is that, if in domestic news there’s a slim measure of honesty, in international news, where the interests of imperialism are at stake, there’s none. All mass communications channels fall in, become stenographers for the State Department and the empire of chaos’ top politicians.

Notice that in these VICE reports, the anti-Assad rebels, who obviously welcomed the American tv crews—brutal terrorists of the most extreme and lunatic sort—are congenially described as fighters for democracy. Haven’t we heard that canard before?

Below, text and presentation by Vice News. 


Machine Guns and Barrel Bombs: The Battle for Syria’s South (Part 1)
Published on Sep 9, 2015

Daraa is where Syria’s revolution began four years ago. Now it’s the scene of a forgotten war, in which largely secular Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels — marginalized elsewhere in Syria — continue to lead the struggle against Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

The FSA are fighting a bitterly hard battle under a virtual media blackout to change the course of Syria’s civil war. If they can take Daraa, they will stand at the beginning of the road to Damascus, the seat of Assad’s government.

VICE News follows the Fallujah Horan brigade of the FSA and their charismatic commander Abu Hadi Aboud as they fight to push the regime out of Daraa’s eastern suburbs.

In part one of a two-part series, Abu Hadi shows VICE News how his men take the fight to the regime on the frontlines east of Daraa, and we also meet the volunteers trying to save locals from the barrel bombs that rain down daily on the city.

And, naturally VICE News could not fail to file its “report” on Russia’s putative invasion of Ukraine, as per script from NATO commanders and other lying sources. Incidentally, if any power has the right to be in Ukraine, it is Russia, where the Russian nation was born, and in a territory expressly created by Moscow in the mid-20th century. Declares VICE News sanctimoniously, as if Washington and the West had nothing to do with he Ukraine mess: 

Published on Mar 6, 2015

“The bitter conflict in Ukraine has cost thousands of lives, but the Russian government has continuously denied sending its soldiers to the frontlines, despite accusations to the contrary from NATO and Western officials….”


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