US fabricated excuses for military intervention from Markale to Ghouta?


Deciphering the syntax of disinformation

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Markale massacre. Cherchez i soliti ignoti.

False flags by the empire are like the homage that crime pays to virtue…in this case the consent of the masses.

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ne of the labels which I have been using more and more recently is the “Bosnia v5 Chechnya v4 Kosovo v3 Libya v2 Syria v1” which refers to the fact that the Empire uses exactly the same trick over and over again to justify its military aggressions.

Though history is replete with false flag attacks, the end of the Cold War saw a systematization of a specific complex of measures designed to give a sophisticated illusion of an undeniable fact. Here is how this works: I will present a theoretical model and one example.

First, a high-visibility target is identified. During the war in Bosnia, the most “visible” location was the city of Sarajevo, and the most “visible” location inside Sarajevo was the Markale market. By “visible” I, of course, mean “visible to the media.” Second, a specific moment is chosen for the attack. It can be right before or after a crucial negotiation, it can be made to coincide with an election, it can be matched to a religious or secular holiday or whatever other optimal moment in time is preferred. In Bosnia the first “Markale market massacre” was intended to justify the use of NATO airpower against Bosnian-Serb artillery positions while the second Markale market massacre was intended to justify a second wave of airstrikes against Bosnian-Serb forces. Third, the actual false flag attack is conducted with the triple aim of having a maximum amount of killed civilians, to secure the maximal amount of media coverage and to coincide with the exact moment when the forces needed for the military intervention are ready.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he need for this maximization of casualties and coverage is explained by the fact that enough military specialists on the ground will inevitably have the expertise to see through the false flag and try to challenge the official version. In Bosnia, the official narrative about the Bosnian-Serb responsibility was almost immediately challenged by no less than the UNPROFOR Commander Sir Michael Rose (for the first massacre) and by the UNPORFOR Sarajevo Intelligence Chief Colonel Andrei Demurenko (for the second massacre).

And, just in case anybody has doubts about this, I would note here that the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has had to acquit the Bosnian-Serbs initially charged with the crime. Finally, even if the accusation is absolutely ridiculous (like Gaddafi giving Viagra to his soldiers to rape Libyan women), the vast majority of Western politicians will go along with it just to avoid appearing not “strong” enough “on” whatever entity dares to resist the Empire. As for those who actually conducted the attack, all they need is “plausible deniability” (a CIA-coined expression meaning that it is possible that the US was not behind the attack). I would even say that all the Empire needs is “short-term plausible deniability” just because even if with time the false flag nature of the attack is proven beyond reasonable doubt, nobody cares.

Think of 9/‌ 11. By now the fact that the destruction of WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 was caused by controlled demolition has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt.[ 480] I would even argue that the US government has implicitly admitted to this through its NIST report on WTC1 and WTC2 and almost explicitly admitted the same through its report on WTC7. So what? Does anybody even care by now? Of course not. Most of the imperial false flag operations have been debunked, in most cases rather rapidly. But in a world ruled by political expediency and, let’s be honest, an almost total indifference to the very concept of “truth,” that kind of debunking, while historically important, is operationally easy to ignore. “We lied? So what? Whatcha gonna do about it.”

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]fter Saddam’s non-existing WMD the very notion that being caught lying is a problem has vanished. Now the imperial politicians can lie all they want, with no consequences for that at all. Which brings me to the so-called “Ghouta” chemical attacks.

Fabius: The dignified prostitutes of the empire.

Fabius: The dignified prostitutes of the empire.

Key imperial politicians, Fabius in France, but also in the UK, Sweden and others, have already stated that this was an attack by Syrian forces. They were in such a hurry to apportion blame that they could not even wait for any investigation. They just “knew”! Fabius even said that the guilty party should be punished by “force,” but something tells me that he did not mean bombing the insurgents should the UN report blame them. Besides, France is “already” bombing al-Qaeda in Mali, how could it possibly do the same thing in Syria where al-Qaeda are the “good guys”? According to the Anglo media, the US is preparing for cruise missile strikes. Now, to understand what that really means, one has to understand what cruise missiles stand for in the collective psyche of the US Democrats: Democrats use cruise missiles not only to destroy a target, but also to simply “appear strong” and get the Republicans off their backs. I am thus quite sure that even if the White House fully understands that the Syrian military did not use chemicals two days after the arrival of the UN investigation team (if only because the attack might have been organized by the CIA), this will not at all prevent Obama from launching a series of cruise missile strikes just to appear strong, macho, with hair on his chest. It will be easy to tell, by the way: If the White House launches a sustained cruise missile strike campaign of at least 5 days, with each round of damage assessment followed by repeat attacks— then they are trying to intervene militarily on the side of the insurgency and tip the balance on the ground. If the White House launches a one-time series of cruise missile strikes lasting 24 or less, and then declares victory and stops, then it’s just a way to deal with the crazy Republicans and neocons who always want blood, blood and more blood. Finally, if the White House orders no strikes at all, then this means that this false flag operation was not a US or NATO one, but an “independent” effort of Wahhabi crazies, probably with Saudi or Qatari complicity. We shall know very soon.

sakerCoverBookTHIS IS AN EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK The Saker (2015-11-17). THE ESSENTIAL SAKER: from the trenches of the  emerging multipolar world (Kindle Locations 11542-11557). Nimble Books LLC. Kindle Edition.


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THE SAKER  is the nom de guerre of a former Russian-born military and geopolitical analyst. He has described his former career as that of "the proverbial 'armchair strategist', with all the flaws which derive from that situation. This weakness is partially mitigated by the fact that I used to be a *professionally trained* armchair strategist: this is the guy who in peace time sits at the top floor of a sombre looking building and who in war time sits very deep inside a bunker."  At one point he was a military analyst during the Kosovo war, and very pro-war, pro-West until some of his experiences during that war changed him and he left that profession in disgust. He was anti-Soviet but has gradually become pro-Putin. He explains, “And while during the Bosnian war I could get UNPROFOR intelligence delivered to me every morning, now I only have access to public, and mostly unreliable and uninteresting, sources.” “Before the war in Bosnia I had heard the phrase "truth is the first casualty of war" but I had never imagined that this could be quite so literally true. Frankly, this war changed my entire life and resulted in a process of soul-searching which ended up pretty much changing my politics 180 degrees. This is a long and very painful story which I do not want to discuss here, but I just want to say that this difference between what I was reading in the press and in the UNPROFOR reports ended up making a huge difference in my entire life. Again, NOT A SINGLE ASPECT OF THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE WAS TRUE, not one. You would get much closer to the truth if you basically did a "negative" of the official narrative.”

Like The Greanville Post, with which it is now allied in his war against official disinformation, the Saker's site, VINEYARD OF THE SAKER, is the hub of an international network of sites devoted to fighting the "billion-dollar deception machinery" supporting the empire's wars against Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and any other independent nation opposing or standing in the way of Washington's drive for global hegemony.  The Saker is published in more than half a dozen languages. A Saker is a very large falcon, native to Europe and Asia.