The Syria famine story revisited: CBS and the rest spread bald-faced lies—as usual

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Studies in Indecency
The virtuosi of mendacity.
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The Treachery of The Western Media

DOSSIER #23987: The Madaya Story

There’s a mystery at the heart of American journalism. How can normally mediocre ignoramuses—I refer to the rank and file of US media, especially television (yes, in case you haven’t noticed, the overwhelming majority of US journalists are ignorant and arrogantly proud about it, too)—suddenly become virtuosi of insidiousness and underhanded manipulation—which requires some brains and a talent for finesse— when it comes to squeezing the truth out of any story that interests the empire? Who does the actual truth-cleansing? The editors? The owners? The highest councils of the ruling class via their multiple indirect channels, think tanks and pundits? Are the on-camera reporters who impersonate journalists briefed beforehand on what questions to throw at the victims? Are they coached about the proper intonations to use…the pregnant pauses, the studied reaction shots? Or has the profession reached such a level of robotic indoctrination that the practitioners really need not much ad-hoc preparation to perform their loyal duties to the deep state, having become accomplished actors?

Whatever the answer, the systematic betrayal of truth by the corporate media hacks and their controllers—the more important the more falsified—continues unabated and largely unchallenged. The Madaya Story is just one of the latest instances of this colossal fraud, which has destroyed much of the world in just a few generations. If the Big Lie is not stopped, it will succeed in destroying us all.

As reported [falsely]  by CBS News | Published on Jan 7, 2016

Watch CBS anchor Scott Pelley intone, cueing the audience they are about to see something awful, that the Gov. of Pres. Assad has committed yet another atrocity:

[Graphic Images]: “Syrian government forces are blockading rebel-controlled towns in Syria, and residents are starving as a result. One resident said they are “dying in slow motion” due to a lack of food, water, and  medicine. Elizabeth Palmer reports.”

[dropcap]D[/dropcap]isinformation is no longer an occasional, aberrational event in the rivers of reports that constitute the American news system: disinformation is the norm. At this point, the only things a clueless citizen can trust—and that, too, may change some day—is sports casts and weather reports. Everything else is tainted by definition, in varying degrees but always tainted, infused from head to toe with some ideological spin favoring the corporate/imperial status quo. Domestic news is quite polluted, of course, but international news—where the empire, controlled by the deep state, has a very serious stake—is manipulated 100%, no exceptions allowed. Examples are therefore extremely easy to find. It takes willful blindness not to see them.

The Madaya Famine Hoax

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he story about a dreadful famine caused by the supposedly equally dreadful “Assad regime” and its allies in the town of Madaya is a case in point, but it gets better.  CBS (an outfit that in reality should be called the Columbia Bullshitting System) on Jan. 9th delivered a broadside of Orwellian magnitude at the Russian forces fighting in Syria, not to mention all manner of innuendoes at Washington’s “marked man,” Syria’s president Assad. The report, fronted by 60 Minutes’s Mike Whitaker, who thereby shamelessly proved his loyalty to his employers, also managed to insult the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), one of the heroic forces fighting against the Western/Saudi-backed Takfiris, the very same bloodthirsty lunatics Western media and politicians pretend to hate. We’re addressing that journalistic outrage on a separate article.

What do you have to say about this, Mr Pelley? Mr Blitzer? Miss O’Donnell? Mr Whitaker? You, oh so revered and kowtowed Charlie Rose? And a multitude of others…including the deans of the respected J-schools in the nation? How come there is no uproar over this obscene level of imposture? Well, expect no reply. Obviously —when it comes to what passes for working, top professional journalists in the West, especially America, there’s no decency left when it comes to a choice between duty to truth and careerism. So to hell with the truth, even at a point in history where its obliteration from the mass consciousness is allowing and encouraging the rape of the planet and the ever expanding cycle of criminal wars waged by the Western empire in its quest for complete global dominance.

Decency left the American journalism building long ago. If I’m wrong, show me. In the paragraphs below our colleague in counter-disinformation, Sarah Abadallah, sets the record straight. She is joined by Prof. Tim Anderson, whose irrefutable reports we have been featuring the last few weeks and which we intend to keep on publishing.


BELOW: As noted by Sarah Abdallah, this beautiful Syrian girl, who is currently safe and sound, has seen her photo on Facebook stolen and retouched by the terrorists in their propaganda effort, serving as a tool in stories which the Western media then disseminated uncritically. We all know the empire is not shy about fabricating news and that it has numerous experts in graphic arts capable of such impostures. 



Sarah Abdallah added 2 new photos.



Published on Jan 11, 2016

Al Jazeera Fabrications About Madaya Exposed

Exchange between Syria’s permanent Rep to the UN and Al-Jazeera correspondent tonight.


Syria: BBC Fabricates Again, Uses Recycled Photos. Madaya Residents used as Human Shields by US-NATO Backed Terrorists

By Prof. Tim Anderson

Global Research, January 11, 2016

BBC-Logo-iPadMore fabricated photos (see info-graphic) have been used by al Qaeda groups and western media in the dirty war on Syria, the residents of the town of Madaya have been used as human shields by NATO backed terrorists


Those same gangs used recycled photos to blame the Syrian Army and Hezbollah of starving civilians these photos are from from other years and other places

Several villages are in this stand-off situation, where both sides need to clear the way for aid convoys

Fortunately, on 8 January aid convoys broke through, reaching Madaya.

Click image to enlarge

The original source of this article is Global Research // Copyright © Prof. Tim Anderson, Global Research, 2016

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