Guardian’s sardonic treatment of Soviet political art

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EditorsNote_WhiteDenigrating what is noble and true by presenting it with the poison of suspicion is a specialty of corporate media assets, and editors in charge of headlines are not only good at it, but always on the job. While the text itself of this article seems to be neutral, not loaded with anti-soviet bias, the title chosen by the Guardian editors betrays their true feelings. The notion that the Soviet Union “capitalized” on America’s racism is a devious assertion casting doubt on the USSR’s genuine feelings about racism, and suggesting that the Communist leadership only thought of racism and other American capitalist flaws as mere convenient tools in a rhetorical contest, oratory without conviction. “Too good to be true,” anticommunist observers seem to be saying. “No one is that noble.” Sure enough, in a world still almost entirely dominated by the capitalist West and its invidious value system privileging individualism at the expense of human solidarity, it’s logical to think that way. Unpleasant, ungrateful and stupid people abound. Criminals and ignoble people are practically the norm. Thus conditioned by their invisible ideology, in which dog eat dog is the only and central reality, bathed in an instinctive cynicism and elitism, bourgeois critics tend to despise presentations of a better future as exercises in crass naiveté or worse, scams. It isn’t surprising they often strike a pose of thinly-veiled revulsion at what they term “Socialist art,”  and worse, “Communist propaganda.” They fashionably “recoil” at the display of what they label “crude propaganda”, assuming that less crude propaganda, the smooth brand prevalent in the West, by their own admission more effective, is somehow morally better for the masses. That is a indeed a huge contradiction, for why is a better sort of liar a morally superior liar? Apparently such minor matters never bothered the professional apologists for world capitalism much. Self-inflicted blindness about the system’s pervasive evils is the essential requisite for Western ideological apparatchiks. And those who actively defend this nefarious social order go far.—PG 

By STEVE ROSE, the Guardian (UK)

Racial harmony in a Marxist utopia: how the Soviet Union capitalised on US discrimination – in pictures

Posters from the 1930s designed to attract Africans and African-Americans to the charms of communism highlight a fascinating, almost forgotten history


This poster from 1957, shows a multicultural group exploring Moscow sights. Photograph: Wayland Rudd Archive/ Yevgeniy Fiks/Flint

‘Workers from all countries and oppressed colonies raise the banner of Lenin!”; “All hail the world October revolution!” extol the slogans. But what makes these 1930s Soviet propaganda posters different is the inclusion of African people, marching arm-in-arm with other races towards a Marxist utopia. At the time, few Russians would have seen a black person in the flesh, including the artists who created these images.

Fiks: The idea that he along with other decadents deeply marinated in capitalist cynicism could comprehend, let alone judge socialist art is a preposterous notion.

Fiks in front of Chagall

The posters are included in the new exhibition Things Fall Apart, at Calvert 22 in London. It examines the connections between Africans and the Soviet Union, and it’s a fascinating, almost forgotten history. Africans and African-Americans did indeed come to the Soviet Union, even in the 1930s, says Russian-born, New York-resident artist Yevgeniy Fiks. Having scoured the mass of Soviet propaganda images, Fiks has brought together about 200 images to create the Wayland Rudd Archive. It is named after an African-American actor who, frustrated by the racism of the US entertainment industry, emigrated to Moscow in 1932. He lived and worked there until his death 20 years later. Had he seen this year’s all-white Oscar nominations, Rudd might have felt he made the right move.


Soviet poster from 1920. Photograph: Wayland Rudd Archive/Yevgeniy Fiks/Flint

“African-American intellectuals were seduced by Soviet ideology,” says Fiks. “Their experience on the ground, how life was structured in the US, proved this ideology right.” Black people were still disempowered, exploited and discriminated against in the US. As the posters suggested, those who came to Moscow really were treated as equals, says Fiks. A few dozen chose to stay.


Soviet poster from 1948. The captions read ‘Under capitalism’ and ‘Under socialism’. Photograph: Wayland Rudd Archive/Yevgeniy Fiks/Flint

The Soviet Union made great capital out of US racism at the time, regularly bringing up the issue on the international stage. One poster in the exhibition juxtaposes a shackled, bloodied black man beneath the Statue of Liberty with an image of a cheery rainbow nation. The respective captions read “Under capitalism” and “Under socialism”. Undoubtedly, this contributed to the civil rights movement. The American Communist party was the first fully racially integrated political party in the US.


‘Do not extinguish the dawn of freedom!’ says this African-solidarity effort from 1967. Photograph: Wayland Rudd Archive/Yevgeniy Fiks/Flint

A second wave of Africans came to the Soviet Union in the late 50s and early 60s, from the “oppressed colonies”. Again, the continued presence of European colonial powers in postwar Africa played into Soviet propagandist hands. As well as providing military and diplomatic support to countries such as Angola, Mozambique, Egypt and Congo, the Soviet Union brought African students to study at Moscow’s new Patrice Lumumba University.


Soviet poster from 1967. Photograph: Wayland Rudd Archive/Yevgeniy Fiks/Flint






Some of them chose to remain in Moscow; others went on to high office in African governments.

Looking at today’s Russia, that post-racial idealism is difficult to locate – judging by recent reports of football racism and a Duma MP’s comparisons of Barack Obama to a monkey. Could it be that these posters – and the state-enforced anti-racism behind them – papered over the cracks of Russia’s underlying race problems? Or could it be that racism has risen anew as a consequence of the individualist post-Soviet landscape? Maybe it’s capitalism’s fault after all.


Soviet poster from 1969. The slogan reads: ‘In unity, strength!’ Photograph: Wayland Rudd Archive/Yevgeniy Fiks/Flint


‘For the solidarity of women of the world!’ says this poster from 1973. Photograph: Wayland Rudd Archive/Yevgeniy Fiks/Flint


‘All hail the world October revolution!’ – a poster from 1933. Photograph: Wayland Rudd Archive/Yevgeniy Fiks/Flint


‘I’ll never forget a friend, if I befriend him in Moscow!’ claims this poster from 1964. Photograph: Wayland Rudd Archive/Yevgeniy Fiks/Flint


Soviet poster from 1932, reads: ‘Workers from all countries and oppressed colonies raise the banner of Lenin.’ Photograph: Wayland Rudd Archive/Yevgeniy Fiks/Flint


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