Inventive Simulation of Russian UberDrone Attack on Imperial Forces

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The art of military and game simulation has progressed enormously since the arrival of digital tools. This type of cgi visual is now used widely not only by the world’s leading military for training purposes, and tactical and strategic visualizations, but also in commercial aviation, navigation, aerospace projects, medicine, etc. The applications are almost infinite. In this simulation Russian forces, using a camouflaged uber-drone, devastate Western targets. This is a replay of Pearl Harbor, but on steroids, the images seem to say, but on a 21st century basis.

While the feasibility of such an attack is highly debatable (the youtube page has more than 4 MM hits, and many derogatory comments, as might be expected) the polish and creativity that went into this animation are outstanding.  The Russkies’ message (assuming Russians created the video) seems to be, yea, you have loads of military hardware, you have a bloated imperialist military designed to project offensive force globally, but we, too, have a powerful military, and we are more economical and smarter than you in their use.

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