What Have We Wrought? Homs today

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=By= Rowan Wolf

Homs. Syria

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] think the American public has lost all touch with the reality of our wars. Most of the footage that we see is high drone footage of exploding dust clouds. The media, apparently, does little to no coverage of its own or perhaps we would see what we have made of the city of Homs, Syria. Then, perhaps, there would be less argument about Syrian refugees. Or perhaps there would be more because we can only imagine our feelings if this was done to our home.

There are those who will argue “That’s the outcome of ‘civil war’.” While technically correct, problematically, the US is at the very center of this “civil war,” and it would have ended long ago if the US policy of regime change was not at the top of the agenda – regardless the cost.


rowanWolfOutdoorsRowan Wolf, Managing Editor / Director, The Russia Desk, obtained her doctorate in Sociology from the University of Oregon and taught sociology for 22 years. Her specialized areas of interest are systems of inequality (particularly race, class, and sex); globalization;  environment; organizations; and culture and socialization.  She lives with her partner (Kelly), and their two dogs (Kacey and Mossy). Rowan Wolf is Managing Editor of The Greanville Post, and was appointed Director of The Russia Desk, a specialized section of The Greanville Post, on Nov. 23, 2015.

Rowan’s email is rowanwolf@greanvillepost.com.


Video: RT Video


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