Naomi Klein Announces Leap Year 2016 for Activists

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=By= Thomas Baldwin

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]elcome Leap Year 2016 – an initiative to dramatically address climate change. It was started in Canada, but is morphing into a global movement. It has the backing of movement luminaries such as Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis (This Changes Everything), and Bill McKibben (, and sponsored by Check out this YouTube Hangout for the full low down.

Activists Heads Up for a very important new effort for progressive activists. Watch this recording of Leap Year 2016 which was produced today–February 5. It is very worthwhile and shows the incredible leadership given by Naomi Klein and her associates on organizing “progressives” of common purpose around the climate change issue.  No more small steps for the climate and economic justice movement: now is the time to leap. Check out Leap Year 2016.


“We start from the premise that Canada is facing the deepest crisis in recent memory.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has acknowledged shocking details about the violence of Canada’s near past. Deepening poverty and inequality are a scar on the country’s present. And Canada’s record on climate change is a crime against humanity’s future.

These facts are all the more jarring because they depart so dramatically from our stated values: respect for Indigenous rights, internationalism, human rights, diversity, and environmental stewardship.

Canada is not this place today— but it could be.”

The Leap Manifesto | A Call for a Canada Based on Caring for the Earth and One Another
Naomi Klein, The Guardian

Naomi Klein

The Guardian

Recent articles by Naomi:

The Guardian

Dec 15, 2015

​Naomi Klein: the year ​when people yelled ‘Fire!’

From climate change to police violence and the refugee crisis, ​this was the year ​when ordinary people stood up to declare an emergency, writes the author and activist in an extract from the foreword of The Bedside Guardian 2015​ → Read More


Thomas Baldwin has a Ph.D. in Physics, an MBA (Management), and a lifetime experience in teaching and training with later emphasis on Leadership, Team Development, Organizational Development, and ownership of small businesses. For the last few years, in his “retirement” he has focused on writing blogs and posting articles on the internet related to political and socioeconomic concerns. He has three blog sites on WordPress: Proactive Activists Voice (focusing primarily on national issues), Proactive Voice Activists– Mississippi Edition (focusing primarily on MS issues), and his own personal blog site, Doctom2010’s Blog. He resides in Biloxi, MS and can be reached at

Article: Progressive Activists Voice


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