Unless Clinton is indicted for a few of her many crimes, or Sanders learns to pull a rabbit from a hat, the “democratic socialist” has already lost. Super Tuesday is an accurate test of a candidate’s strength and ability to win the nomination, and Sanders went down in flames.
I know that’s sad news for you, and I feel your pain, even though I predicted this and fully expected it. While I, just like you, am hurting in this poor economy, and I could certainly benefit from Sanders’ proposed social reforms, I never considered them more than a pipe dream. It’s not that I’m cynical, it’s that I have decades of experience as a socialist activist and politician in America, and I’ve studied the system and how it works.
Bernie tells you that the economy is rigged by the billionaire class, and he’s utterly and sincerely correct in that assessment. What he doesn’t tell you is that the institutions he works for, the Senate and the entire Congress, are also rigged, and the government they are a part of is rigged, and so too are the elections that put Sanders in the Senate and Obama in the White House.
Your loss in yesterday’s Democrat primaries and caucuses IS NOT due to your laziness, or lack of enthusiasm. It WAS NOT due to any lack of hard work by tens of thousands of volunteers. Your campaign was a model of political organization, among the best ever assembled in an American political party’s nomination procedure. Yes the system is “rigged” against you, and you know it. The party Sanders chose to run in, the Democratic Party, IS NOT democratic. The party is “rigged” to deny the ballot to social-democrats, progressives and others who would challenge the capitalist-imperialist billionaire class that really runs the party. Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street funders, and the bankers, industrialists and billionaires who own and control the economy control the party, and they control it through people like Clinton and her husband.
In fact, the super delegate system that’s thwarting the Sanders Revolution today was created in the period from 1968-1972 for the expressed purpose of ensuring that anti-war candidates that were rising at that time did not capture the nomination, and if they did overcome that system, as anti-war candidate George McGovern did in 1972, the rich could always find a thousand other ways to sabotage such campaigns and cause them to lose by a landslide, as McGovern did.
And this is nothing new. In 1788-1789, as Americas’s wealthiest White men–no women, no African Americans, no working class or poor!–gathered to create a Constitution, according to “The Federalist Papers,” and several other documents by the framers explaining their goals, the framers aimed to create a plutocracy, rule by the rich, a system that ensured that the rich would always rule, but that at the same time gave the illusion of democracy. The Constitution’s authors and signers were quite deliberate in their aim of creating the form of democracy, while filling that form with plutocratic content. They spoke of the need to guarantee that the “mob”–that’s us!–could not ever gain power over the nation.
Choosing those who would run the country had to be “rigged” so that almost in every case the job went to the rich, or the agents of the rich who had been bought off by the rich and owed their loyalty to the rich.
Despite the fact that women, people of color, the poor and the landless are now allowed to vote in the “rigged” elections, the outcome is always essentially the same, the rich and agents of the rich win in 999 out of 1,000 cases. And the cases in which the working people’s candidate wins? That’s the .0001 percent exception that proves the rule, and it’s also the bait, the way they suck you in by giving you false hope, by making you think that it’s possible.
Sanders is the only open social-democrat in Congress today. Out of 535 members! He’s the exception that proves the rule and he’s also the capitalist ruling class’s insurance policy: when the majority of youth and of Democrat Party members start leaning socialist, they can urge Sanders to run so that socialists remain in the capitalist (un)Democratic Party, a party that they could never control or even influence, a party whose presidential nomination they could never have, because the primaries and caucuses are “rigged.”So what’s a socialist to do?
Two-hundred-and-twenty-seven years of experience tells us that the capitalist ruling class, the billionaire class, is way ahead of us when it comes to “rigging” the system to give us the illusion of democracy while really being thoroughly plutocratic and giving no chance of reform, no “hope,” no “change.”
But learning that the system is “rigged” is just half the challenge. You’ve also got to figure out what works since the current system doesn’t work, and what works is a thorough-going change of the entire system, a complete overhaul from top to bottom, not just a make-over, radical plastic surgery. Over the last two-hundred years that course of action has been given a name, it’s called revolution. Not Bernie’s revolution which is really more like a cheap make-over, but real revolution that actually gives ownership and management of the productive property to the workers themselves, that actually institutes genuine democracy where the people rather than the rich decide the course of the nation, actual democracy in the workplace, the community, and the country. That’s real socialism.
Because the elections are “rigged” and the media makes sure to black out the working people’s candidates, elections are not just useless, they are harmful and playing the plutocrats’ game is harmful. Don’t vote, it only encourages them.
When you vote, not matter who you vote for, you are endorsing a “rigged” system, and “rigged” elections.
When you don’t vote, you are registering your refusal to cooperate or collaborate with tyranny, with corruption, with a criminal system run by the rich.
Noncompliance is the only reasonable response to a “rigged” government that comes from “rigged” elections.
But noncompliance is just the first step. Our noncompliance weakens the plutocracy’s stranglehold over the nation and the globe. But fighting the evil is just one side of the necessary changes we need to make. The other side is the need to institute a socialist and democratic system to replace the global totalitarianism of capitalism and imperialism.
Revolution is the only solution!
Join the Election Boycott Advocates and look up our website at:
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