“Corporations are tyrannies…” —Noam Chomsky
Any intelligent being or intellectual residing outside the Anglophone sphere, i. e. the rather dis-United Kingdom and its latter-day deformed monster child and current sponsor, the United States of North America, can see clearly what these unhappy conjoined twins in maleficence have been up to since about 1650.
The most incisive critique of the last one was already written in 1835 by the Frenchman de Tocqueville in a book hardly or not taught at schools in the US, who foresaw the commerce-oriented English language as expressive not of personal liberty but of formal but not substantive equality under centralized power: “in a state where the citizens are nearly all on equality, it becomes difficult for them to preserve their independence against the aggressions of power” Consequently one finds the power cliques far more powerful and invasive in England and in the US than in traditional European continental Feudalism.
The linkage between the English language and soul-destroying expansive and totalitarian commercialism is expressed by Shakespeare in one of his sonnets: (no. 146) “Poor soul, the center of my sinful earth, My sinful earth these rebel pow’rs that thee array, Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth, Painting thy outward walls so costly gay?” etc. In other words, warns the bard, the Capitalo-Protestant ethic shrivels the soul while one reverts to an outwardly pleasant social carapace and its denial reminds one of the Dylan song: ”Because something is happening here, but you don’t know what it is. Do you, Mr. Jones ?’
No culture with the possible exception of German National Socialism has so glorified itself and be able to gloss over the less appetizing aspects of its operations as the Anglophone one in North America and in the many colonies of the former British empire. This is fully in line with the commercial basis for both empires which count marketing of their ‘life-styles’ and products as part of their evangelical mission which is not a ‘mission civilisatrice’ but a ‘mission productive’. The cruelty rests and hides in the fact that humane factors are entirely excluded.
What is remarkable in this particular instance is that the harsh oligarchic character of the commercial USA is exposed by its redundant and anti-democratic political system, even though it may be rather difficult to attribute it to a decaying capitalist structure. From the outset of the US general population suffrage in the late eighteenth century there has been an undertow of chicanery and ‘psyops’ in order to hide gross voter manipulation. But now in contrast to the ‘make nice’ attitude, there appears a break in the obfuscation by the elites in the form of Donald Trump. His breaking down of the repressive desublimation by indulging in an aggressive Dionysian streak, which is ‘im grunde’ revolutionary (if fascist in its total recidivism) finds a ready audience amongst those whose world view may be restricted but who experience the oppression keenly.
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] similar populist response was given to Mussolini in the nineteen-thirties when he elevated the Latin ‘macho persona’ to a political cult. Though at the time it was necessary to assert the fascist personality by excessive outbursts, present-day advanced communication methods of propaganda has made this posturing redundant. The ‘soft’ fascism in such as the Clinton machinery is here replaced by Trump lambasting his own class and thus showing the true face of the reigning monetary classes. ‘Class traitors’ like Roosevelt and Trump must be silenced or their message slowly eroded even though they protect in the long run the vested interests (much like Mussolini in his early attempts at power). At a stage where a totalitarianism starts to impregnate the ‘res publica’ from cradle to grave, Western capitalism is triumphant by eating its own children like a mythical Kronos gone wild. It remains for them then to be poisoned by a thoroughly fouled water and air.
The victoriously materialist Anglophone disease has crept all over the world from Oshkosh to Beijing and it will not stop at simply subjecting all of humanity to a totally mechanical unnatural existence but it aims at control by a huge ‘nomenklatura’ of technocrats that serves the masters of the universe. No advance in science (which is far from neutral) or technique will turn human lives into a meaningful and a satisfying existence, who will be empowered to determine their own fate. Neo-fascist phenomena like Trump ‘cum suis’ serve to prepare the public for a dire end. If Trump indeed prevails despite a ferocious ‘pro-forma’ resistance from the elites (with Clinton, Rubio and Cruz as their spokespeople), one may well expect the same pattern as with Mussolini’s career, ending in massive defeat. And only in that case will the eternal wheel of recurring human bondage be broken. Alas, no such revolution will come about with a ‘retardaire’ Clinton regime.
A genuine citizen of the Transatlantic community, reared in Europe but residing mostly in America, Gui Rochat is comfortable in neither cultural bloc.
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