Brussels: Terror VS Civilization

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=By= Alexander Chopov, PhD.

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[dropcap]A[/dropcap]lexander Chopov, PhD., offers a tribute to the thousands who have died in terrorist attacks, placing the events in Brussels in a larger context. He then compares these acts by what everyone agrees are criminals who would be arrested on sight anywhere in the world, with the legal terrorism of the “democratic” government of Ukraine against the citizens of Donbass. As Dr. Chopov states: “People are adding Belgium flags to their profile pictures in solidarity with Brussels. But most terrorist attacks, and wars fought with Western blessings are never reported!

Below is this excellent tribute and expose: GOVERNMENT AND MEDIA WON’T SHOW YOU – Brussels: Terror VS Civilization


Alexander Chopov, Ph.D.  is the Director and Producer of a new YouTube Channel – War in Ukraine – the Unreported Truth. The purpose of the channel is to give the people of Donbass an English voice so they can be heard beyond Donbass. Dr. Chopov  has a double major in International Affairs from George Washington University, and a doctorate in political science from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. He interned in the US Congress,  and has lived in US for over 10 years studying both American mentality and politics.



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