Who Leaked the Panama Papers?

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Who would have thought? This semi-dilapidated sign conceals a treasure trove of explosive political information.

Who would have thought? This semi-dilapidated sign conceals a treasure trove of explosive political information. (Image by Wikipedia (commons.wikimedia.org))   License   DMCA


Buffet, Gates, Turner, Bloomberg, Ellison, Lucas. American billionaires are curiously absent from the sordid lineup. And not a word either about the notorious Sheldon Adelson or the Koch brothers. Are we to assume they are a morally superior species among the superrich? And why would Arab sheiks be included in the list, notably the King of Saudi Arabia, since everyone knows they are both incalculably rich (they do not hide that fact) and accountable to no one?

The Kochs in an idealized image commissioned by TIME, as befits a depiction of the new American royalty. (Image by © Jamie Kripke/Forbes Collection/Corbis, reproduced here under editorial comment/Fair Use statutes.)

NOT MENTIONED. The Kochs in an idealized image commissioned by TIME, as befits a depiction of the new American royalty. This duo is easily one of the most toxic in the entire constellation of US tycoons. (Image by © Jamie Kripke/Forbes Collection/Corbis, reproduced here under editorial comment/Fair Use statutes.)

In fact their absence is astonishing. The US is quite unscathed by the report and it must therefore be assumed that either the US is remarkably uncorrupted and honest in such matters – or the chief motive in the release of the Mossack Fonseca papers is both US based and controlled from a political perspective. There are some exceptions – a handful of apparent US allies have been included amongst the papers released, but these are 1) notable by their rarity and 2) are generally third-person, rather than first-person implicated. It may also be reasonably conjectured that as it is axiomatic of intelligence operations that they feature collateral damage to provide cover for their source, so an element of minor self-incrimination is inevitable in this case.

It is clear from the papers released that there is a huge and improbable bias in those whom they expose: the main targets appear to be the Russian political hierarchy and establishment; BRICS nations are heavily represented too; the Chinese leadership and numerous other betes noires of a US led West are also present. Of even greater interest is the absence of a single US politician from the list – or indeed of a single US billionaire. 

There may be a number of governments and international financial authorities as well as law enforcement agencies who would wish to attack this twilight world of money laundering and tax evasion – but there are few who have the ability to penetrate and organise the convoluted and extraordinary secrecy of an organisation like Mossack Fonseca, whose business is both secret and highly devolved.

Indeed, only a powerful national intelligence agency with extensive resources and surveillance technology has the ability to conduct such an operation. There is undoubtedly a rising tide of international intolerance for wealthy elites who seek to conceal their wealth and avoid paying tax as most citizens are obliged to do, but such principles must be applied equally and to all if they are to be just. The complete absence of US elites – and almost all Western elites – from the papers suggests that the release is highly selective and biased in nature. That in itself sets alarm bells ringing and suggests that the motive is only partially one of an assault on the offshore world.

So what is the real motive of the Panama Papers release? From its effects and from the apparent care which has been taken to keep Western elites from the list it must be assumed that its primary purpose is to undermine opposition to the US and to distract attention from the activities of the Western Alliance. Assuming the Panama Papers is a CIA sponsored operation, the great question is: does an operation which involves the exposing of no less than 11 leaders of sovereign countries have political cover and authorisation? One would assume that such cover would require the highest possible authorisation and it would be a source of great concern if an intelligence body was able to undertake an action of this kind without it.


About the author
I was educated at the University of Manchester, Swansea University and the Polytechnic of Wales, where I studied History, Philosophy and Intellectual and Art History (MA). I have lived and worked in Ireland, Germany and Holland and the UK as a barman, labourer, soldier, Aircraft sealer, Trade Marks Examiner, Ministerial Policy Adviser, Head of International Relations at the Welsh Office and Principal Private Secretary to the Presiding Officer at the National Assembly for Wales. I left the Civil Service in 2005 disenchanted with politicians and have since dedicated myself to art and writing. My paintings, as my writing, are personal and intense. The Night Traveller (MJ Maguire) was my first novel and was published in 2010. My art and writing say all there is to know about me.

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