1. Cameron. Collateral damage or target. US needs to keep the money coming in and most targets have been sucked dry. London along with New York seems to be considered the financial capital of the world. Nothing like a bit of instability around the world to keep the money rolling into a stable place like the US.

  2. This is an opportunity for Russia. Trillionaires leak info about billionaires, to secure their own power and preserve their unchallenged status.

    Russia could offer safe haven to those billionaires. I wouldn’t normally advocate tax avoidance but hey, if your objective is retaining capital for investing in domestic development, then Russia has a good option.

    Unfortunately, Russia prefers having an IMF controlled central bank, for some reason.

    • A real central bank with the ability to issue interest free credit for their own economy would do a much better job, than hoping for “criminal money” from criminal trillionaires…

      But your suggestion is entertaining anyway! 😉

  3. I just don’t buy it. Sure, the “international journalists’ association” or whatever it is, that has gotten control of the papers is compromised as hell. Although all the associations with US government fronts says to me less that this group is, in particular, some kind of Soros plant than it says the media in general is just that pwned by the State Department, CIA et al., so if it had been some other media group we could have traced just the same kind of crap.

    And so they’re busy trying to take control of the narrative. But I really don’t think they’re behind the initial leak, it’s just pointless. Lest we forget, Cameron is one of the top loyal footsoldiers and if he gets destabilized he could potentially get replaced by Jeremy Corbyn, who is not only anti-bankster but an unapologetic peacenik. Nobody in charge wants that. But the major impact of the whole thing isn’t even about individuals. Most people will only vaguely register this name and that name and the other name. The overall message that most people will get from this is simple and basic: “Rich people are screwing you. They are not respected job creators, they are douchebags making you pay taxes so they can duck them.” 

    This is exactly how the powers that be don’t want people to think. And what are they supposed to be getting out of it? Some lame stuff about how some guys Putin is acquainted with are corrupt? Yeah, whatever, nobody’s gonna care. The choir already thought he was corrupt and anyone not already convinced will just shrug–like anyone’s supposed to run an administration anywhere with no corrupt people in it, let alone in Russia. It is not worth this whole drekstorm of resentment against our wealthy overlords in general just to sling some mud that doesn’t even hit Putin directly–if they wanted a bit of anti-Putin propaganda they could have just made something up and ordered their stoolies to run with it, they didn’t need all the rest of this.

    The conviction that something like this must have been originated and co-ordinated by the enemy is associated with a psychological trap, IMO–one which tends not to allow victory, because every potential victory will be assumed to be a disguised defeat and not exploited. The empire has a lot of power; it is not, however, either omniscient, omnipotent, or above all omni-competent. To the contrary, they miss a lot and a lot of them are either pretty stupid or lazy thinkers; they have a few basic tricks which are usually good enough because they have so much money and power, and they use them over and over.