This will be a lonely planet without the animals: Protecting them is your duty

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A Baby Donkey Likes To Get Cuddles As If He Were A Puppy; and a Baby Elephant Reunites with Mother After 3 Years

Kate Good  Added by Reena-29Mar2016

April 24, 2016

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When we think of animals who love to give cuddles and show affection, dogs and cats usually come to mind. Most people wouldn’t think of other animals like horses, cows, or donkeys as being as willing to crawl into your lap and snuggle up as the ones we typically share our homes with. After all, there’s a reason think of dogs and cats different from other animals not … right? Well, the donkey in this video begs to differ.

This sweet donkey wants nothing more in the world than to love his human friend. Watching his little tail wag is sure to bring a huge smile to your face. He looks exactly like a big puppy who just wants a good ear scratch!

At the end of the day, all animals deserve to be loved and cared for just as readily as our companion animals. If we could see animals as individuals instead of stereotyping them and treating them accordingly, the world would be a much happier place.


At three years old, Me-Bai the elephant was ripped from her mother’s side and sold into the Thai tourism industry. The poor calf was subjected to a brutal “breaking” period and forced to give rides to paying customers day in and day out. This trauma and stress took a serious toll on Me-Bai’s well-being and she grew too weak to carry tourists.

Lucky for this young elephant, her owner took pity on her and retired her to Elephant Nature Park. Once she was released to Elephant Nature Park, Me-Bai’s new caretakers set out on a mission to find this little elephant’s mother. Within a matter of weeks, they located Mae Yum, Me-Bai’s mom and set their glorious reunion into motion.

In this video, Mae Yum and Me-Bai are finally reunited! It has been three years since this mother/daughter pair have seen one another. The joy and love that they exude is sure to warm your heart.

A big thank you to all the kind people at Elephant Nature Park who made this reunion possible! Enjoy your life together, Me-Bai and Mae Yum!

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