China Denies US Carrier Group Hong Kong Port Call

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stephen-lendmanUS/Sino tensions remain high. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Joint Chiefs chairman Joseph (“fighting Joe”) Dunford provocatively call China and Russia America’s leading threats, along with Iran, North Korea and terrorism.

The USS John C Stennis, so named for a US Senator who worked for decades to give the Pentagon everything it wanted, in a representation showing its true nature as an instrument to project aggression across the globe.

The USS John C. Stennis, so named for a corrupt, racist and warmongering Dixiecrat US Senator from Mississippi who worked for decades to give the Pentagon everything it wanted, in an image showing its true nature as an instrument to project aggression across the globe.

On Friday, America’s Hong Kong consulate said Beijing denied permission for the USS John C. Stennis and four accompanying vessels to make a Hong Kong port call, beginning on May 3 for five days.

China’s Foreign Ministry said it “needs to approve every ship coming to Hong Kong on a case by case basis in accordance with sovereignty principles and specific circumstances.” On April 15, Defense Secretary Carter visited the USS John C. Stennis, DOD ludicrously calling the warship “a symbol of American commitment to peace and security in Southeast Asia.”

Carter said at the time, “the United States intends to continue to play a role out here that it has for seven decades…” During a preceding Manila visit, he said America supports the Philippines and other regional allies in the face of “coercion and intimidation.”

Washington claims dominion over parts of the world not its own, advancing its military footprint provocatively, risking direct confrontation with China and Russia. Beijing remains justifiably concerned about its attempt to militarize the South China Sea, flying patrols and conducting military exercises close to its waters and territory.
Earlier its Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said Beijing “is extremely concerned at the United States’ pushing of the militarization of the South China Sea region…What they are doing can’t help but make people wonder whether they want nothing better than chaos” or direct confrontation.

Ashton Carter: The Pentagon chief that will not let truth brake or derail his imperialist agenda. He is one of the prominent criminals involved in the systematic destruction of Syria and war promotion around the globe. Scum by any standard.

Ashton Carter: The Pentagon chief that will not let truth brake or derail his imperialist agenda. He is one of the prominent criminals involved in the systematic destruction of Syria and war promotion around the globe. Scum by any standard.

In 2007, Beijing denied the USS Kitty Hawk’s Hong Kong port call request after the Bush administration announced an advance missile sale to Taiwan and welcomed the Dalai Lama (a longtime CIA asset) at the White House.

The USS Stennis carrier group is currently operating in South China Sea waters provocatively close to Beijing claimed sovereign areas. The Pentagon asserts the phony pretext of “freedom of navigation.” Beijing accuses Washington of regional interference and “sabotaging regional peace” – in response to its announced military buildup in the Philippines, a provocative move, one of many risking direct confrontation.

About the author
Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.13.00 AMSTEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  ( ) Visit his blog site at



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