EU may be on the brink of bolting the American alliance, charting independent course.


N e w s

Reports, News Flashes, and Commentary from Various Conflict Zones Around the Globe


=Intro by=
Alexandra Bruce, Forbidden Knowledge

This material has been redacted by TGP editors for content and length

For a year, now, I’ve wondered just how blackmailed and/or bribed the EU must be, for allowing itself to get screwed for SO long by the economic sanctions against Russia, ordered by the US, due to Russia’s timid yet righteous response to the US-sponsored coup in Ukraine.

Pro-Bandera March, Kiev, January 2015. Source: AFP. Nazis and their organizations are proliferating on Russia's doorstep, a clear threat and affront to a nation that suffered 26 million casualties to the fascists in WW2.

Pro-Bandera March, Kiev, January 2015. Source: AFP. Bandera, hailed as a nationalist hero by the new regime, was a prominent Nazi collaborator. Now, thanks to Washington’s coup and support, Nazis and their organizations are proliferating on Russia’s doorstep, a clear threat and affront to a nation that suffered 26 million casualties to the fascists in WW2.

Russia’s having dared to respond, at all to despicable US meddling in a country not only on its border but historically and culturally enmeshed with it for more than a millennium precipitated US economic sanctions against Russia. The US forced the EU to do the same.The EU had to refrain from exporting agricultural and other products to a major trading partner, causing recessions in the EU economies and imploding their currency. For what gain to the EU, exactly?

It appears that finally, a new order has come down from the US that is so over the line in its malignancy, that it’s forcing the hand of the EU and could well lead to a rupture of the status quo.  I’m referring to the arch-Fascist, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

We certainly share Alexandra Bruce’s enthusiasm for a reawakened European sense of independence from Washington and the Deep State mafia it fronts for, but she may be underestimating the sheer level of corruption among European politicians, and the resiliency and deviousness of the American empire. 

The TTIP is an agreement, which cedes national sovereignty (including that of the US) to huge US corporate interests, like those of Monsanto and their GMOs. We’re finally beginning to see some  pushback to US bullying, led by French President François Hollande, to which Joseph P Farrell, in his regular broadcast to his fans here says, “Vive la France!”

The time has come to ask, is the “US” really the US, anymore? That’s the real question and it’s been increasingly so since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Most people in the US who are aware of the TTIP don’t want this horrendous agreement to be passed, either; totally without their say. Like the proverbial boiling frog, Americans have not been able to see what is becoming increasingly obvious to Europeans and is so well-put by Joseph Farrell here:

“America; the American Government is a front for something else…a deep, corporate…Fascist – I’ve been calling it ‘Nazi International’, you can call it the ‘International Mafia’. Whatever this thing is, the European and Russian powers have looked at it and said, ‘That’s our enemy.’ “And I suspect that what you’re now going to see is a gradual peeling  away of Europe from that entity – and I suspect, as well, my friends…that these nations realize that their national culture, their identity, their civilization is at stake and under threat from ‘Mr Global’…


“This is why…we’ve seen President Putin, that we’ve seen President Áder of Hungary taking direct aim at the dogma of the Globalists…the so-called ‘obsolescence of the nation-state’. “That’s being challenged now, in the beginnings of a process that France has initiated; something that I don’t think is going to go away because…Italy’s on board, Spain’s on board.

 “Eventually, this is going to transform Europe, this is going to transform the NATO Alliance…we’re going to see a much more open critique of the Globalist agenda coming from Europe.”

 [dropcap]G[/dropcap]ermany’s Nazi menace was partially conjured by Anglo-American wherewithal. Nazism took its cues from Anglo Supremacists and the American eugenics movement that arose in the post-Civil War Era.
The eugenicists opposed recognizing the human rights and of the freed African-Americans and of some other ethnic groups arriving in the huge immigrant influx following that war. These rights were only to be officially enshrined a century later, in the 1965 Civil Rights Act.
Russia and her (often treacherous) allies vanquished Fascism in Europe during World War II. Now, the clash appears to have circled back – and this time, it may be the Europeans who will fight the Fascist overlords of the US and it may be they who save us from ourselves and from this beast cohabiting among us…

Video: (17 min):

Joseph Farrell: EU Will Move Away from NATO and Partner with Russia

Editor's Note

Alexandra Bruce, Publisher of, a newsletter and video channel with life-changing information to help us best respond to our shifting

economic and environmental reality. 


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