Heightened Risk of Escalated War on Syria

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stephen-lendmanAprevious article discussed dozens of unnamed State Department staffers urging “targeted military strikes” on Assad’s government – signing an internal memo posted on the agency’s dissent channel. 

“Today, without exaggeration, is the most perilous time in world history. Ongoing events should scare everyone. Nothing during Cold War years matched current dangers…”

Obama already is at war to transform Syria into another US vassal state, using ISIS and other imported terrorist groups as imperial foot soldiers – supplemented by air strikes on infrastructure and government targets, along with US, UK, French and now German special forces on the ground, aiding the scourge their political leaders claim to oppose.


Victoria Nuland may have been one of the signers, after all she’s a rabid neocon lusting for ever wider wars of conquest. It is the grotesque passivity and ignorance of the American people, reinforced each day by a lying media, that allows these criminals to be at the center of national decisionmaking. Source : politico.com

The State Department acknowledged the internal memo without comment. It’s more evidence of neocons infesting Washington, in this case the agency most responsible for US foreign policy.
It’s unclear if notorious hawk Victoria Nuland was one of the memo’s signatories. She’s militantly anti-Assad – earlier turning truth on its head, calling him “evil…inhumane,” unfit to rule, adding:
“He certainly should leave power. He is beyond brutal. It is inhumane what he has done to his own people…I don’t think anybody who has is guilty of the kinds of crimes against your own people…can be considered rational by any human sense of the word.”
When Washington wants a sovereign leader toppled, politicized demonization precedes more forceful action. Assad is overwhelmingly popular, reelected in June 2014, a process independent observers called open, free and fair. Syrians want no one else leading them. They alone have the right to choose, free from foreign meddling.
International law is clear. No nation may interfere in the internal affairs of others except in self-defense. Russia is legally aiding Syria combat US-supported terrorists at the behest of its government.
US military action flagrantly breaches international laws, norms and standards. Neocon State Department staffers want things escalated, Assad forcefully ousted, pro-Western puppet rule replacing him.
On Wednesday, John Kerry hinted at possible more robust US action, saying “Russia needs to understand that our patience is not infinite. (It’s) very limited now with respect to whether or not Assad is going to be held accountable.”
“The United States is not going to sit there and be used as an instrument that permits a so-called ceasefire to be in place while one principal party is trying to take advantage of it to the detriment of the entire process. We’re not going to allow that to continue.”
Fact: Assad is responsibly defending his nation and people against US-supported terrorist invaders. 
Fact: They (the American side and its vassals and accomplices) are virtually entirely responsible for ceasefire violations.
With half a year left before stepping down, Obama is unlikely to undertake a major policy shift on Syria. At the same time, US war on its sovereignty won’t end with a new administration. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton orchestrated it. She’ll likely escalate it if elected in November.
Trump showed he’s hawkish, earlier saying “I’m gonna build a military that’s gonna be much stronger than it is right now. It’s gonna be so strong, nobody’s gonna mess with us” – implying heavy-handed saber rattling, likely freely using it.
Dozens of State Department staffers wanting US military strikes on Assad’s government is more evidence of America’s rage for war, neocons infesting Washington exerting influence on policy, disregard for rule of law principles, and likelihood of extremist/lawless governance continuing no matter who succeeds Obama.

Escalating war on Syria heightens the danger of direct confrontation with Russia, risking the possibility of extinguishing life on earth.

US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III
The above is the subtitle of my edited and contributed to book onUkraine, its nation one of numerous US-created flashpoint parts of the world risking WW III. Others include:
Eastern European Baltic and other countries provocatively infested with increasing numbers of US-led NATO combat troops close to Russia’s borders;
Obama’s increasing military footprint in Asia, threatening China;
  • Libya and other parts of North Africa;America’s drive to recolonize Latin and Central America;
  • endless US aggression and occupation of Afghanistan, threatening Central Asia, especially Russia; and
  • the Middle East, notably Syria; more below on Obama’s war to destroy its sovereignty, wanting it transformed into another US vassal state.
Today, without exaggeration, is the most perilous time in world history. Ongoing events should scare everyone. Nothing during Cold War years matched current dangers.
Madness replaced MAD. High-level bipartisan neocons infesting Washington risk the unthinkable, none more ruthlessly dangerous than war goddess Hillary Clinton – possibly America’s next president. Humanity’s fate hangs in the balance.
The definition of insanity needs revision. It’s far more serious than repeating the same mistakes, expecting a different result. It’s gambling with life on earth, its possible extinction, believing achieving world dominance is worth the risk. Media reports indicate dozens of mid-to-high-level State Department officials urged “targeted military strikes” on Assad’s government.
A memo called for “a judicious use of stand-off and air weapons, which would undergird and drive a more focused and hard-nosed US-led diplomatic (sic) process” – barely stopping short of recommending and likely escalating to full-scale shock-and-awe war, similar to how Washington raped Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
The New York Times said memo signatories “have been involved in (US) Syria policy over the last five years…including a Syria desk officer in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs to a former deputy to the American ambassador in Damascus.”
They lied, blaming Assad for bombing civilians and ceasefire violations, US-supported terrorist groups entirely responsible – while maintaining the myth of “civil war,” involving nonexistent “moderate rebels” at war with his government.
Claiming “(t)he status quo in Syria will continue to present increasingly dire, if not disastrous, humanitarian, diplomatic and terrorism-related challenges” ignored Washington’s full responsibility for regional wars, related violence, chaos and human misery.
Throughout over five years of conflict, The NYTimes and other media scoundrels turned truth on its head, willfully misreporting, suppressing what’s most important to explain.
Obama and Hillary Clinton as secretary of state bear full responsibility for launching naked aggression against Syria, a nonbelligerent country, flagrantly violating international law – using ISIS and other imported terrorist groups as imperial foot soldiers.
With less than five months before November elections, it remains to be seen how much more involved Obama might be willing to get before a new president succeeds him.
Separately, possible East/West confrontation remains a major world destabilizing factor. On June 14, NATO said if cyber attacks target one of its member countries, its Article V “collective defense” provision may be invoked – requiring all 28 Alliance members to respond aggressively against the accused attacker.
Despite no verifiable proof, NATO alleges Russian hackers copied thousands of Hillary Clinton State Department emails, obtained from her unsecured home server – possibly equating it to cyber-attacking America, requiring a collective NATO response if Washington demands it.
If Clinton succeeds Obama, will the unthinkable follow? US war with Russia or China represents the greatest potential threat to life on earth – why preventing her election is so urgent.

About the author
Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.13.00 AMSTEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  ( http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html ) Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.



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