The Europeans Are Going to Revolt Against NATO

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It is dawning on the Europeans that NATO is nothing but bad news for them

Originally appeared at Katehon

Leaders watch a ceremony honoring NATO military personnel for their service the NATO Summit meeting in Chicago, May 20, 2012. REUTERS/Jim Young (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY)

Leaders watch a ceremony honoring NATO military personnel for their service. (May 20, 2012. REUTERS/Jim Young )

The NATO summit in Warsaw is a part of the nuclear “chicken game”. Washington and the NATO Generals are trying to provoke Russia into an escalation of tensions, because certain circles in the US are becoming desperate over their diminishing power over the world. And they are really losing it. They see a military escalation as the only thing to save their control. The stationing of troops in Eastern Europe on the borders of Belarus and Russia is an extreme provocation – they are absolutely unnecessary for the security of Poland or the Baltic States. It’s a very foolish move on the part of NATO.

Russia has made it clear that it is not the aggressor in this situation. Since Washington’s coup d’état in Kiev, NATO had their guns so close, trying everything possible to provoke Russia to make a so-called aggressive move. But Russia has not done that – and it is creating great frustration in Washington, especially in the military industry complex. They have to create fear for the American people of a new war with Russia, but it’s not working. This is the remarkable thing. These are pathetic attempts at trying to hold onto power.

But power is being lost – just look at Brexit. The EU is slowly going to dissolve one state after the other. All the measures had been taken to hold the union together but it’s not working. NATO just added chaos instead of offering stability. Now there is a very strong opposition in the EU countries to all kinds of Washington’s provocations against Russia. The foreign minister of Germany indicated this quite openly.

These NATO provocations against Russia are very unnecessary. There is enormous opposition under the surface. Politicians may put on public face that everything is fine with NATO, but in reality there is a great anxiety. Germans do not want another war with Russia. The horror of the last one was terrible. But America just doesn’t care about anyone outside of the United States. This is an extraordinary situation. The more the war hawks push across the Atlantic, the more resistance there will be in the EU.


fw-engdal_2Frederick William Engdahl is an American German historian, economic researcher, and freelance journalist. Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, Engdahl is the son of F. William Engdahl, Sr., and Ruth Aalund. Engdahl grew up in Texas, and after earning a degree in engineering and jurisprudence from Princeton University in 1966, and graduate study in comparative economics at the University of Stockholm from 1969 to 1970, he worked as an economist and freelance journalist in New York and in Europe.

13 hours ago

Field Marshall Montgomery.



    Fools never learn.


      To Americans, war is in this far off land, on TV set in a comfortable couch with a nice cold beer and popcorn. Only to be switch off when it is time for bed.


      You confuse the American people for those who occupy us. Elites, neocons, banking cabal, whatever you want to call them. Those who enslave us also enslave you. There will always be war until the people of the world throw off the criminals and bring them to justice. They hide here in our government, they hide in Britain, they hide in Europe, they hide everywhere. They have all the wealth and power, if we kick them out of one country, they go somewhere else. There will not be peace until the world brings every one of them to justice. There can be no country where they can hide.

      There is no such thing as American exceptionalism. Or adventurism. But the tyrants and criminals tell you these things to distract you from themselves.




    Very well said.I will add that every single empire has crumbled from within and US will be no exception.
    I will point out the following dates:Dec 25-1913.The day the Fed Res was created. Private banking cartel printing money out of thin air and loaning it to the USG with interest.Once you own the economic system(money supply) you also own the political system .

    Nov-1963 Assassination of JFK by elements from USG
    This is the day that America become a full fledged police state and a danger to world peace.

    Too many false flags(Boston,Conecticut,Florida Texas,San Bernardino etc) on US soil as well as on allied countries(Gladio ops)

    Civil war,race war,a huge false flag blamed on other country/countries or an economic collapse of biblical proportions are just around the corner.




    After Brexit, a EURexit from NATO. Let the fools in Washington spend their blood and treasure this time.



    John Connor


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