What the nation doesn’t need: Race relations through a highly deformed and dirty media lens

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FERGUSON, MO - AUGUST 17: Police advance through a cloud of tear gas toward demonstrators protesting the killing of teenager Michael Brown on August 17, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri.

FERGUSON, MO – AUGUST 17: Police advance through a cloud of tear gas toward demonstrators protesting the killing of teenager Michael Brown on August 17, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri.

The media tries to deform and obliterate the underlying truths that divide American society. Fox, as usual, is out front with its venomous packaging of important events. Observe how this presstitute frames the dialog:

Of course “all lives matter”, and by that standard the lives of police officers also matter. But that is not what the current national controversy is all about. Black and Latino activists are pointing out that police have grotesquely abused their power to inflict bodily harm, and committed outright murders that the justice system simply ignored. In that sense, just looking at the equation, it’s clear which side is bleeding more. The men (and women) in blue lost 51 of their own in 2014, in what is described as “felonious assaults.” This is indeed a needless and terrible tragedy, a total shame on any nation that struts around calling itself civilized. But on the other hand, Blacks, Brown and White (mostly poor whites, obviously showing that class is the most indicative demographic for police violence, and as far as all races go, the mentally impaired who abound in America,) lost at least 613 people at the hands of the U.S. police since January 1, 2016. (see
killedbypolice.net) and also the Facebook page on the same topic, killedbypolice. Chances are, therefore, that the year may end with approximately 1200 citizens dead in police encounters, most of whom obviously were the target of excessive force or disregard for his or her rights to due process or a professional approach designed to minimize fatalities. That is a ratio that speaks for itself—20:1—in favor of the men with the badge and the “right” to kill, an awesome responsibility.

BELOW: Disinformation and confusionism delivered expertly by CBS and its stable of overpaid pseudo journalists:

Matt Agorist of the Free Thought Project, notes,

"The increase in police brutality in this country is a frightening reality. In the last decade alone the number of  people murdered by police has reached 5,000. The number of soldiers killed since the inception of the Iraq war, 4489. What went wrong?

In the 1970’s SWAT teams were estimated to be used just a few hundred times per year, now we are looking at over 40,000 military style “knock and announce” police raids a year. The police presence in this country is being turned into a military with a clearly defined enemy, anyone who questions the establishment.

BELOW: The media are busy trotting out black faces urging "peace" and "calm," "calm", while nothing has ever been done to introduce an effective policy of police control. "Police brutality" or, at least, a "double standard", has been a complaint—a fact— in Black and Latino neighborhoods for generations, urban areas already traumatized by the raging violence of higher than normal crime stemming from intractable poverty, yet these pseudo leaders continue to argue that the usual non-remedies will effect a cure. We need new approaches to this plague, and these approaches cannot be founded on cosmetics or just empty, sanctimonious rhetoric, which is all we see on the mainstream media.—PAS


[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f we look at the most recent numbers of non-military US citizens killed by terrorism worldwide, that number is 17. You have a better chance of being killed by a bee sting, or a home repair accident than you do a terrorist. And you are 29 times more likely to be murdered by a cop than a terrorist!

Obviously, something is systemically wrong here, these numbers do not happen by chance. We are not dealing with just the old case of “bad apples,” the “rogue cops” of pulp fiction. This is a pervasive cultural problem which remains deeply entrenched in all sectors of American society, and particularly so among the police,  and which dates back generations—testimony to the fact the ruling elites are loath to restrain or punish those whom they regard as their main line of defense against an uppity and redistributive populace.

That’s why only truth can clean up the air, and an energetic program of administrative and judicial punishment for those who disgrace the police uniform by going from protector to oppressor in the blink of an eye. Justice indeed should be blind, hardly a novel ideal, and so should the police, both color and class blind. Social peace must be planted in this nation in the ground of scrupulous social and racial justice. Anything else, beginning with foolish lies by politicians, the media (as exemplified by the devious video clips above), and their stooges (of all races and genders), or an increase in the application of repression by the establishment, will only delay the inevitable, a far greater social explosion that may totally destroy the remaining civilities we cherish in the United States.

Boston native Paul Smith has some knowledge of police culture. Close relatives —including two cousins and several uncles—have served (and some still do) on the force as police officers and firefighters for generations. He himself considered becoming a police officer upon high school graduation. Smith currently resides in Los Angeles, where he is working on his first novel, due to appear early next year.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/americans-killed-cops-outnumber-americans-killed-iraq-war/#wV0L6fzkXHlkwC2f.99

(1) See the Guardian (UK): The Counted/ People killed by police in the US
2) See also the database KilledbyPolice, which provides detailed data on a yearly basis.
(3) How many people have been killed by the police?
(4) FiveThirtyEight.com

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