Let’s have 4 Hoorays for this man! ‘Freeway’ the cat saved by a good Samaritan on busy Phoenix highway


This happened some time ago, like a year. But the deed needs to be publicized and remembered. It’s a true noble action that empowers us all.

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In a nation that seems crammed with selfishness and assholes, a world corroded and rent with what appears to be ugly and brutal passions, here comes an example that almost magically restores your faith in the capacity of humans to do good. Richard Christianson, who is being called a hero by many, truly deserves that honor. Nothing tops compassion among the human virtues. 

‘Freeway’ the cat saved by a good Samaritan on busy Phoenix highway (Tomo News)

A selfless passerby who saved a cat trapped on a busy highway last week is being hailed as a hero. Richard Christianson posted a video of himself online saving an orange Tabby cat trapped on the I-17 in Phoenix, Arizona on April 9.

Christianson tried calling the emergency services and public safety offices but they couldn’t send help fast enough. So, seeing no other option, he took it upon himself to save the cat, who was bleeding from the mouth and paws after trying to escape from the highway.

The cat, named Freeway, is in care at an animal hospital following surgery. Doctors expect him to make a full recovery. Once at full health Freeway will be available for adoption.

RICHARD CHRISTIANSON has a Facebook page you can tap for news on Freeway, and also contacting this remarkable man. Do so and give him a warm thank you:

Below, just a few comments we think of interest to all:

7 months ago


5 months ago

Fuck the people who would leave the cat there, this guy is a fucking hero.

MsMediumRare Ted C a day ago

  • Tom Jones a day ago
    The main issue/problem in Phoenix and the surrounding municipalities is that they all have in place the ordinance that it is free roam for felines – this may have worked years ago, however, it is not working NOW – I live in South Chandler where we have a huge feline feral population problem – ask me I know and spent a lot of time and $$ trying to do the best for these poor fur babies that I can on my own – the non-profits will tell you the same for they are very much over whelmed themselves – Richard Christiansen has obviously a HUGE heart to have even noticed and taken the time to rescue this poor baby (and my guess is that this one belong to someone at sometime, I can tell) – how many passed by this scene and kept going, not my problem – the feline population is a HUGE problem in this metropolitan area – you seldom see a dog roaming, but, cats everywhere – people will preach the trap/neuter/spay/release that is not working either – there is so many people like myself that help the ones we can then we run into the frustration that we can not find and/or get any medical attention for these poor souls – no vet and/or non-profit can and/or will give a dose of medication unless the cat has been examined (good luck with that) – we are not looking for hard core drugs sometimes it’s just an antibiotic we need to put in their food – who is helping us help them, NOBODY – what is the answer I just do not know – it is VERY frustrating and VERY sad to say the least.

    Freeway today: safe and indoors!

    Freeway-safe—and indoors!

    Freeway cat_1431701632428_18259262_ver1.0_640_480
    nd check these bonus links:



    And the hero of the story—may he find happiness in every possible way.
