Sarah Silverman, we hardly knew ya
The Bankruptcy of the Liberal temperament—in full view, once again for all to see
Hollywood liberals have come out in force for Hillary—the Clinton disease having a particular hold on this segment of the perennially self-pampering, self-deluding segment of a privileged population, but, romantics that we are, we held some reluctant paltry hope that obvious brainies like Sarah Silverman, who’s Jewish, a professional comedian and quintessential enfant terrible (at least in her artistic persona), reassuringly almost always cynical about reality (always a good prospect for breaking out of the imperial brainwash) would show even a feeble sign of revulsion at the pathetic spectacle put up by the more hypocritical side of the duopoly.
Alas, it was not to be, as Silverman (flanked by longtime faux progressive Al Franken, now a career politician, and a glaring mediocrity to boot, again denying his promise as a quirky comic) proceeded to browbeat the benighted Sandernistas for their supposedly childish petulance in refusing to “grow up” and fall in line with the rest of the assembled sheeple at the DNC show in Philadelphia.
Sanders speech, invoking unity and loyalty to HRC, in the face of “greater danger”. Warning: Strong stomach required.
The Sandernistas, justly incensed at the repeated betrayals by the top honchos of their party, were a disruptive lot (said the media), a tribe apart obviously spoiling the unity fest pre-ordained by the usual manipulators, and one that the rank and file had little trouble absorbing, judging by the loud applause and cheering that met every pathetic speaker, from Michelle Obama to Corey Booker. (Nota bene, there’s another Phony, in capital letters, making his way to the top of the party and banking on the path opened by Obama, as the Dems need “symbols” since the party can never deliver in substance any of the things it promises). It was clear —at least at the beginning of the show—that some of those who had felt “the Bern” the hardest were not about to cave in that easily, and become docile followers of the newly proclaimed saviour of the nation, the standard bearer of corporatist America as she prepares to deliver us from the supposedly far worse demonic forces of Trumpism.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he contrast between the promise and the reality is so brusque that we may be forgiven for asking the obvious question: What prompts these ghastly exhibitions of arrogant, political imbecility in people we would otherwise classify as “sharp”; people who seem congenitally “cool”, and who have shown so many times their ability to cut through hypocrisy like a laser through a big chunk of butter? The only answer I have is temperament, that elusive, hard to quantify evolutionary ingredient in every creature, especially humans, whose cultural matrix is so complicated as to permit a multitude of surprises. For it is only temperament—character moulded by upbringing, social class, and biographical evolution, and not lack of information—that can explain these shameful episodes. Against this kind of obdurate positioning, held by so many in a nation that cultivates it like a delicate plant 24/7, and lacking an overwhelming media presence, the left message has no chance. True, reality can get through these thick, complacent skulls, but it won’t happen until (a) it is way too late to do anyone any good; or (b) the culture itself has advanced so much that they will look in the mirror and see a dinosaur looking back in shock and disgust. Maybe.
As many radicals will attest, the bourgeois temperament —bathed in ignorance, intellectual laziness, timidity, and complacency—did I leave anything out? —is a hard illness to cure. The prognosis is always dire.
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