Illinois Institutes Chilling New Mandate for Schools to Teach Children How to Submit to Police

=By= Matt Agorist

submit to police

Submit, and pose no threat.

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The police state apparatus will now condition children to prostrate themselves before their masters as they are extorted during traffic stops. Illinois drivers education now includes instructions on how to properly allow police to generate revenue.

The bill signed into law on Friday by Governor Bruce Rauner authorizes a new curriculum for driver’s education classes which includes interacting with police. It will be instituted for the 2017-18 school year and become mandatory training at both private and public schools.

The guidelines, created by the secretary of state’s office, will instruct pupils on how to respond if they are pulled over by the police. It will condition them to not be afraid of being robbed on the roadside.

“I think it’s really timely, so that teenagers and young drivers don’t look at a police officer as a threat or a problem,” State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield), who sponsored the legislation, told the Chicago Tribune. “It’s just a part of driving, and if they respond in a responsible, correct way, it should never escalate.”

However, as anyone who’s ever seen those blue and red flashing lights in their rearview mirror knows, the last thing going through your head at that moment is “safety.” The officer pulling you over is most assuredly a “threat” and a “problem” as their job is to look for or otherwise create a crime so that you can be kidnapped or caged in order to generate revenue to pay their rising salaries.

In the latest figures from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), police made more than two-million traffic stops in 2014. The rate of traffic stops for minorities is far higher than their white counterpart. Will that be taught in the class?

Will the fact that police officers are allowed to legally lie to you to trick you into confessing to a crime be taught? Will the fact that cops can steal your property and never charge you with a crime through the process known as civil asset forfeiture be taught? Will students be taught that they are criminals for forgetting to put on their seatbelt or having window tint that is ‘too dark’?

A study in 2013 released by the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois found that Chicago Police were far more likely to stop African Americans during traffic stops than white residents, as reported by RT. They also found that African-American and Latino motorists were far more likely than whites to be searched during traffic stops, yet white motorists were far more likely to be caught with contraband. The study used data from the IDOT.

In 2013, the Chicago Police Department conducted a total of 100,676 traffic stops. Of those, 46 percent were of African-American drivers. Since they comprise only 32 percent of the city’s population, the data revealed that blacks were stopped at a rate 42 percent more often than indicated by their population. In comparison, 32 percent of the Chicago population is white, but the traffic stop rate for whites was 27 percent, according to the report.

The very idea of teaching children how to properly submit to revenue collection and privacy invasion is chilling. We can rest assured that the individual’s rights will take a back seat to what these students are taught.

It seems the state has finally figured out how to combat future resistance to their tyranny — teach the children that it is the norm. You must be robbed at gunpoint to protect your freedom. 

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