Media Scoundrels React to Hillary’s Health

black-horizontalDispatches from

 stephen-lendman  Throughout the campaign, they’ve downplayed her health issues or ignored them altogether. Here’s how they reacted to her Sunday fainting episode and diagnosis of pneumonia. 

 Hillary photo
Photo by quinn.anya

The New York Times is a virtual Hillary press agent, one-sidedly promoting her campaign, glorifying the most deplorable presidential aspirant in US history.

After virtually collapsing on Sunday, she still refuses to release detailed information on her health. The Times downplayed her fainting spell, saying she “was taken from the morning event at ground zero to” her daughter Chelsea’s apartment.

Emerging 90 minutes later, “(s)he waved to onlookers and posed for pictures with a little girl on the sidewalk,” saying ‘I’m feeling great. It’s a beautiful day in New York.’ “

Pneumonia can be contagious. Hillary likely should be hospitalized or at least isolated to keep her infection from possibly spreading to others.

Her campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said she returned to her Chappaqua, NY home after 1:00PM, unseen publicly for the rest of the day.

After months of equivocating or denial, The Times finally admitted her “health and the transparency of her campaign” are issues of concern. It remains to be seen if it stays on this issue or makes it a one-day story.

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n her campaign plane last week with handpicked reporters, Hillary scoffed at issues about her health, saying “I’m not concerned about the conspiracy theories. There are so many…I’ve lost track of them.”

Her poor health is serious enough to question her physical ability to serve, not a conspiratorial campaign tactic against her.

The one-sidedly pro-Clinton Washington Post called her health “a real issue in the presidential campaign.” Her spokesman downplaying Sunday’s incident rang hollow.

WaPo said his statement omitted explaining her near-collapse came while attempting to enter her van after the 9/11 ceremony. Reporters were prohibited from following her.

The Sunday Manhattan temperature was comfortably warm, not hot and humid, unlikely to result in overheating and dehydration as her campaign and doctor claimed.

WaPo admitted reporting “dismissively” about her health earlier, saying she got a clean bill of health from her doctors. It now said two incidents in less than a week means “health (is) no longer just the stuff of conspiracy theorists.”

“Taking the Clinton team’s word for it on her health – in light of the episode on Sunday morning – is no longer enough. Reasonable people can – and will – have real questions about her health.”

“Sunday morning changed the conversation in the race about Clinton’s health. Or rather it will force Clinton to have a conversation about her health in the race.”

Amazing stuff from a publication one-sidedly supporting her candidacy. Whether it keeps it up remains very much open to question.

The Wall Street Journal headlined “Hillary Clinton’s Pneumonia Jolts the Presidential Race,” saying:

“The Clinton campaign didn’t respond to a request for comment about why they didn’t reveal the diagnosis earlier.” Secrecy surrounds her health status.

“With polls showing voters question Mrs. Clinton’s honesty, the delay in revealing her condition after Sunday’s incident could further damage her credibility,” the Journal cited critics saying.

Poor health is one of numerous disturbing issues surrounding her – why it’s crucial to defeat her in November and rid humanity of the threat she represents to world peace, stability and security.



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STEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  ( ) Visit his blog site at



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