Media: HBO’s VICE proves to be tool of soft propaganda for the empire’s hybrid wars.

pale blue horiztgp-eye-on-mediaBy the constant administration of lies, the media puppeteers manufacture wars, protect the super-wealthy, and destroy democracy.

Mnar Muhawesh, Mint Press

Dear friends and MintPress family,

What do Disney, Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, George Soros, Bill Maher and former U.S. government officials have in common? 


Shane Smith (L) has been and remains the central figure on the production side of VICE.

VICE — the multimedia empire that’s leading the mainstream media machine in producing “edgy” reporting behind a hipster, cooler than thou facade.

In my latest segment for Behind The Headline, Robbie Martin, director of the documentary series ‘A Very Heavy Agenda’ — which tracks neoconservative influence on US media and politics — joined me to explain how VICE fell from counterculture hipster rag to a neoliberal government mouthpiece. 

In terms of its foreign policy coverage, VICE has become a tool of soft propaganda and a vehicle for delivering Cold War and Islamophobic rhetoric to its young, liberal audience that knows better than to trust the mainstream.”

The shift happened gradually. There was $200 million from Disney and another $70 million from 21st Century Fox that made Rupert Murdoch a major owner. One talk show sponsored by Bank of America, and another hosted by career Islamophobe Bill Maher. World-famous puppet master George Soros, who funds coups in favor of NATO, got his own segment.

Sure, sure, VICE still bucks the government line on issues like marijuana legalization and does stories on what people wear to get laid. But in terms of its foreign policy coverage, VICE has become a tool of soft propaganda and a vehicle for delivering Cold War and Islamophobic rhetoric to its young, liberal audience that knows better than to trust the mainstream.

Its reporters frequently cite outlets like Voice of America and Voice of Asia, broadcasters which fall under the umbrella of the U.S. state-sponsored Broadcasting Board of Governors that pushes U.S. interests abroad. 

The confusion has reached such an absurd level that even comedians perceived as "cutting edge", and "progressive", like Bill Maher, are actually champions of the corporatist status quo. Maher, for example, is a fierce supporter of Obama and Hillary and a chief producer of VICE.

The confusion has reached such an absurd level that even comedians perceived as “cutting edge”, and “progressive”, like Bill Maher, are actually champions of the corporatist status quo. Maher, for example, is a fierce supporter of Obama and Hillary and a chief producer of VICE.

And, as Robbie Martin notes, “VICE achieved what Fox News’ terrorism fear-mongering could never achieve: fear of Islamic terrorism among young American liberals” to justify more so-called “humanitarian” bombs.

Watch the full video interview below by clicking on the image: 

You can also watch my full video report exclusively at MintPress News.





Mnar Muhawesh serves as Editor-in-Chief for MintPress News, and Producer & Host, Behind The Headline

Behind The Headline is a citizen supported project created by Mnar Muhawesh. 

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