Many liberals sign petitions, march with signs, read liberal news, write checks to right wrongs. Genuine caring, though, is risky.
By these international standards, most U.S. presidents since William McKinley have been war criminals. Most recently, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Bill Clinton, both Bushes and Obama have approved various war crimes. This is easy to do, with 900 military bases worldwide. Our country has bombed 30 countries since World War Two, none of which attacked us.
Others are welcome to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, but both Trump and Hillary will continue America’s decay. Trump will shred our flag by dividing us by race and religion. Hillary will aggravate every problem by serving the industries that have been dragging us down– the military-industrial complex, the prison industry, agribusiness, Big Pharma, big oil and fracking, predatory banks, medical insurers, job loss by globalization, and global warming.
Every society, including ours, contains the seed of fascism, ready to sprout from fear and anger. We were taught after World War 2 that “just following orders” made us “good Germans” but bad Americans. We were taught pride in America’s revolutionary history and our obligation to speak against tyranny. We were taught that obedience to evil makes one evil.
Such a situation reduces voting to a noble folly. Even when there are worthy candidates, elections are corrupted by slush money, closed debates, hacked voting machines and crooked voting officials.
Nazism is fascism that dominates by exterminating dissent, and attacking nations without first being attacked. This is “aggressive war,” the chief war crime for which Nazi leaders were hung. By these international standards, most U.S. presidents since William McKinley have been war criminals. Most recently, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Bill Clinton, both Bushes and Obama have approved various war crimes.
Liberals have also allowed this decline because many of us depend on the very institutions which threaten us. We seek to conserve our remaining privileges as consumers benefitting from a global military empire. The Democratic Party invites us to believe they are at least comparatively humane. Every year, however, the Party becomes less humane, less liberal, and less democratic.
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“Fascism is an open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, the most chauvinistic, the most imperialistic elements of the financial capital… Fascism is neither the government beyond classes nor the government of the petty bourgeois or the lumpen-proletariat over the financial capital. Fascism is the government of the financial capital itself. It is an organized massacre of the working class and the revolutionary slice of peasantry and intelligentsia. Fascism in its foreign policy is the most brutal kind of chauvinism, which cultivates zoological hatred against other peoples.”
-Georgi Dimitrov-