The Barneys & Midas Circus Pivots East

=By= Chuck Orloski

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Author’s (poem) prologue:  People like me depend upon the internet to help detect where all the decadent American political culture and absent treasury will go into the Terror War night. Recently, my son Dan took advantage of The Wall Street Journal’s offer of a free three month subscription. Consequently, for the past month, I got an open view into Rupert Murdoch turf; areas where top notch Web Site journalists (in dissent) rarely trespass.  There I saw a time weathered (reserve currency) Neon Dollar Sign point to a Far East landscape, for more gold.  And yes – the POTUS election is indeed “rigged” much more systematical than either Hillary Clinton or Mr. Resorts International can let on.

Oh Europe,
remembering IBM and Limeys who walked tight rope
(both ends) to defeat dark competition
and mindful of how we cherished Merkel and Hebdo,
regrettably, you’ve become burdensome parasites –
Fallen down, fallen down… rise up ye Brexit!
For it’s time to pack goat skin tents, “make it rain,”
pivot eastward with us to N.W.O. Asia!

Oh Amerika,
Tom Brokaw’s “Greatest Generation” boom,
magically downsized to blip-blip echoes
and Flight Data Animator & the ghost of St. Louis
slug-it-out in a Super Baal cage match.
Continental gloom, Motor City gets a Morgenthau Plan,
Electric City (Scranton) needs a Houdini Plan,
and why don’t U.S. economic lions “roar anymore?” 1

Oh Iran and Syria, very soon,
N.P.T. fireworks (ones Jerusalem ain’t got!) unleashed.
Russia settles for Tartus, a shooting-rubber duck stand.
ISI orangutangs get one-way tickets to Brazil
and muezzin clowns wander around Damascus-in-ruin,
in search for Six Day War borders.

Oh One-Eye Earth Z-lings,
“Welcome to the show that never ends!”
Soon, our halo-laden circus rolls along
a Trans-Siberian Railroad spur to Bangkok.
On Spice, the “West” banks upon mass consumption
of (frozen) Big Macs, and Mayflower’s scheduled
to sail away on eBay, November 8, 2016.
From Greater Israel’s Manifest Jubilee
to Mumbai Promontory Point, the Barneys & Midas
barkers cry, “Oh buddha, are you ready to address
the Four Tigers/Israeli Political Action Committee?”

1 The Wall Street Journal, “Why the Economy Doesn’t Roar Anymore,” by Marc Levison, October 15-16, 2016; Page C1.

[Map: Geopolitical Map of Mackinder’s Heartland theory.]

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Chuck OrloskiCharles “Chuck” Orloski lives in Taylor, Pennsylvania and is married to Carol Jean and has two sons, Dan and Joe.  He worked as an Environmental Health & Safety and Project/Emergency Response Coordinator for 22 years until March 2014 retirement, at age 62.  Presently a part-time bus driver for Scranton School District, Chuck has published both articles and poetry at The Greanville Post, Uncommon Thought Journal, Counterpunch, Hollywood Progressive, Linh Dinh State of the Union (Blog), Literary Yard, and Dissident Voice.  He likes to ice skate but dislikes the Northeast Pennsylvania Winters.


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