ELECTION POST-MORTEMS: Bill Maher & The Pain in the Clintonite Liberal Camp

Stacked panel on Real Time with Maher propagates self-serving delusions instead of hardnosed analysis

Maher typifies the upper middle class self-righteous, often PC, elite liberal despised by working class whites, who see no champion in Washington in the Wall Street Democrats. For the left to admire this guy and this phony panel of “sudden progressives” is really misguided.

For one thing, billionaire big mouth Tom Friedman (by dint of his wife’s real estate fortune), who uncharacteristically appeared balanced in this instance, is one of the New York Times most slippery and often scurrilous warmongering shills for the Deep State, and a certifiable Zionist ready to whitewash any crime committed by Israel. About the New York Times itself, little more needs to be said here: it is and remains a shill for global capitalism. This is hardly hyperbole.

From Obama coach David Axelrod little genuine or sincere introspection or lucid analysis could be expected and we got none. And neither could be forthcoming from lightweights Ana Marie Cox, a PC bourgeois feminist blogger or singer John legend, who, as might be expected, delivered to great acclaim the obvious denunciation of Trump racist (which he undoubtedly is, but that is nothing new in the United States). This again added little to a more mature discussion of what had happened and what progressive forces should do, besides concentrating all fire on Trump and his supposed capacity to bring Nazism to America single-handed. Such people forget that Nazism is not a phenomenon that can be introduced by the whim of some charismatic leader. It is a system brought to the front of power only with the strong assistance and full collaboration of the ruling class, which at this time is not sure the Fascist option could be implemented succssfully in the US with an obvious blowhard like Trump, huge unmovable costituencies (there are more than 46 million blacks and equivalent numbers of Latinos, for starters, not a puny minority of Jews that could be easily jackbooted), preferring instead the “friendly fascist” approach represented by a Clinton, the “frog in the boiling pot” approach, that is, with perhaps some helpful punctuation in the way of false flags calculated to tighten the garrote further at the desired moment.

To top it off, for truth and balance, Maher, who must live entirely on fantasyland, or is a willful shill for the WAR/MIC forces in the Deep State, introduced Eric Holder, easily one of the most pathetic do-nothing AGs in history as one of the best. This is inversion of truth on a colossal scale. For Holder is the guy who, like his boss, and despite his black face, which at least could make him understand better the troubles and enormous challenges facing a black person in America, could not find a way to prosecute successfully or at all a single murderer cop in his entire tenure, as his successor, Hillary protector Loretta Lynch, has also done. Not to mention the high-handed abandonment of Black America’s economic situation by Obama across the board, as the Great Demagog concentrated on padding the coffers of his masters in the 0.000001% that runs the nation and possibly much of the world. Both men are disgraceful, but Maher, whose brand is based on “outspokenness” and supposedly truth, as is that of fellow media courtier John Oliver, did not find a single bad thing to say about their record. So much for using his show, as he has claimed on occasion, to “open the eyes of people.”

But that was not all. Confirming the lack of integrity and chicanery represented by this panel and Maher himself, NO ONE raised the issue of Hillary’s and the DNC betrayal of Bernie Sanders—talk about rigging elections!—nor the conspiracy by the DNC and its appendage, the mainstream media establishment, to block any possible avenue for Jill Stein to obtain a modicum of well deserved visibility.
Since this crowd represents the sanctimonious whining liberals after the election debacle, readers should inspect the latest sobering dispatch by Diana Johnstone on this very subject:

After the Election: Don’t Panic, Think!

Our responses to Trump and his horde must be well calibrated, specific to the insult, but in no way should they quickly erase the crimes of the Democratic party nor the numerous betrayals of the Clinton mafia, which, as pointed out by many observers, reflects now the dominant war-bent, hegemony-at-any-cost Neocon faction within the US ruling class and many of its allies. Hillary lost alright, but they are very much alive.

These are unpleasant matters to point out, but too much is at stake to remain silent.
—P. Greanville