Western weapons fall in the hands of terrorists


Sophie Mangal

The British organization Conflict Armament Research (CAR) examined the ways arms supplies have been injected into the areas of military conflict in the Middle East, and has published a new investigation on Syria: http://www.conflictarm.com/publications/.

Its experts have found that weapons supplied by Western countries, not only get in the hands of the Syrian opposition fighters but, more than likely, also into the hands of IS terrorists, its intended destination.

It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the Syrian conflict IS militants used mainly weapons captured during the fighting with Syrian and Iraqi government troops. But after 2015 the terrorists gained new sources such as illegal supplies of weapons from Western countries (NATO) and Gulf states, notably Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and were also able to buy and capture arms shipments destined for the Syrian opposition, as well as organize their own domestic arms industry.

According to CAR’s assistant director James Bevan, the first evidence of illegal weapons turnover came to be known as his staff found a box of ammunition with serial numbers not far from Mosul.


James Bevan is trying to establish a supplier and manufacturer of the projectile. Source: Conflict Armament Research

This became possible after some settlements’ recapturing during the government troops’ offensive near Mosul. It turned out that the ammunition had been manufactured in the factories of Eastern Europe, but it was legally acquired by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United States after some time. These countries were delivering weapons to the opposition groups in Syria through Turkey. (Typical underground maneuver by the CIA playbook.)

Moreover different batches of ammunition were found in the Iraqi cities of Tikrit, Ramadi, Fallujah and Mosul. The IS militants used such kind of rounds against government troops. CAR has documented more than 300 samples, which were manufactured in the United States since the 2000s. It sounds strange, but the terrorists very often got the ammo two months after being shipped from the factory to the customer.


5.56 x 45 mm ammunition found by CAR’s specialists in Iraq are manufactured in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, Independence, Missouri, US. Source: Conflict Armament Research

In addition, IS militants managed to mass-produce their own weapons in the territories under their control by purchasing raw materials for their production. It is still unclear how industrial chemicals’ bags which are sold in Turkey exclusively for the domestic market, fell into the hands of IS in Syria. It is worth noting that the militants continue to buy raw materials wholesale. Terrorist supply chains involve serious contacts with large suppliers in Turkey.

ISIS has also assembled manmade mortars at makeshift factories. BBC News security correspondent Gordon Corera confirmed frequent findings of manmade weapons and improvised explosive devices and MRLS.


Dzhebhat Shamiya’s improvised weapons mounted on a bulldozer. Source: http://www.type63.com

 On the basis of this investigation it can be concluded that the NATO countries are very interested in the escalation of the situation in Syria and Iraq and deliberately organize weapons and ammunition supply chains both to the armed Syrian opposition and to the terrorists, with the terrorists—who do the lion’s share of the fighting— being the real intended recipients. Despite the clear evidence it probably will not help to change the situation for the better. The arms industry in the west, and the gun lobby in the US and the fabulous profits of the military-industrial complex will always be the most important obstacle to the peace process.

Nothing personal, it’s just business. It’s late in the game to say this, but, contrary to the thick veil of propaganda shielding US government actions from  its own citizens, it does look like this has been the actual policy of the US for a long time, as has been reported on (genuine) leftist sites for many years.

Something like that happened during the First and the Second World Wars. The US supplied arms and ammunition to all parties in the conflict, so that they could destroy each other. Then the US joined the winner almost without losses.  Hollywood later enshrined the US in history as the chief and only savior of the world.


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Sophie Mangal is an independent journalist filing report from within Syria.

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