Bernie Sanders This Week FULL Interview – Fidel Castro Praise, President Elect Trump, Vote Recount
The egregious practices of the US disinformation system are well known to most of our readers, as all of us are exposed day in day out to a barrage of lies pouring out of every major media in America, lies eagerly enforced by a legion of disgustingly corrupt and ignorant pseudo-journalists like Marta Raddatz, whom we see here in action, earning the blood money she obviously considers “success” and status in her career.
Raddatz is something to behold as filled with sanctimonious fury she proceeds to browbeat the supposedly heretic Sanders into a prompt and abject retreat from his youthful infatuation (?) with the Cuban revolution.
The sad part is that all that fire-and-brimstone was not really necessary, for Sanders is nothing if not a cowardly lion, ready to recant at the first sign of opposition. How Sanders could be seen by millions of people as a reliable champion for actual change in America continues to elude me. Sanders could never be trusted to carry out any structural change anywhere, and the damage that phony “leftists” like him do to the idea of a left in America is simply incalculable.
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