Are you a liberal? Take the self test.

ABOVE: The Daily Beast’s chosen image to illustrate liberal comedians’ self-assigned mission to “Stop Trump”  For these supposedly “truth telling” celebs, Democratic party crimes and betrayals, and its eager participation in ghastly imperialist wars, did not matter and were never mentioned.(2) 

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If you’re still buying this ludicrous and insidious Russia hacking story, and the notion that Pres. Putin is a “thug”, you are probably in the grip of liberal media and their treacherous propaganda. First of all realize that NOT being a liberal does NOT make you a know-nothing rightwinger, or a crude reactionary. But being a liberal, following the policies and choices sold to you by the Democratic party and their numerous shills in the media, NGOs, fronts such as MoveOn, Avaaz, etc., makes you unwittingly complicit with the Right’s agenda because in all issues that really matter, issues that go to the true nature of our “American democracy” and the distribution of power in American society, the liberals’ equivocal posture ends up fortifying the country’s drift to the right. And at the current juncture, the rapid drift to a terminal nuclear war. Activist and writer Danny Haiphong has summed up the role that liberals play rather nicely:

The Democrats are attacking from the Right, desperate to stir up war fever. “The destabilization of Russia is critical to finance capital’s agenda of self-enrichment from the chaos of political catastrophe.” When Wall Street demands that the country be put on a war footing, the Democrats are eager to please. “Only strong ideological opposition to the Democratic Party can challenge the madness of the US empire’s anti-Russia campaign.”


The Obama Administration has used Trump’s ascendancy as a reason to escalate war with Russia. First, the Obama Administration blamed “fake news” for giving Trump the Presidency. “Fake News” is considered anything that doesn’t parrot the corporate media line, ranging from right wing libertarian media to left political sources such as [this site]. The Obama Administration linked “fake news” to Russia and accused the Russian government of “hacking” the Democratic National Committee’s databases and organizations. A secret Central Intelligence Agency briefing backed up the accusation, but no verifiable evidence has been presented to the public. Obama has vowed that Russia will pay for its interference in US affairs. Since then, a Russian Ambassador has been shot dead in Turkey and a new round of US sanctions has been placed against Russian diplomats. (1)

If you understand by “liberal” being a nice and progressive person, then by shopping Democrat you’re shopping at the wrong store. What you need to be is a RADICAL, a person who is not afraid to look at the root of a problem. A “radical” is NOT an extremist, as the word has been stigmatized in US political discourse. And even “extremist” is a term that remains subjective. An “extremist” like that fabled “freedom fighter” is a dangerous fellow to one and a brave and reasonable person to another. All good doctors are “radicals” in their practice, since they look for the actual, root causes of a disease in their search for a cure. Those who only treat superficial symptoms are quacks. Liberals are political quacks. By hijacking the “left” label, Liberals (especially in the US) suck up the oxygen, the political space that rightly belongs to the left. Their myriad failures and hypocrisies—guaranteed considering they rarely mean to effect real changes in society—are therefore understood by the public at large as failures of the “Left”. This retards significantly any chance of human progress. In a world in acute crisis—to which liberals themselves have contributed so much—wasting time is criminal.

Investigative independent journalist John Pilger, who has been fighting the liberal imposture for most of his life, and is often worth more in vital truth terms than an entire American network, or the New York Times, for that matter, duly decries the liberals’ role in history:

“Liberals…appropriate the world that ought to represent the best of us: our fearless resistance to self-serving bombast and bullshit and of course great crime. They fix the boundaries of political culture, art, dissent, even idle discussion. Decent, educated people echo the bullshit, without thought and apparently a care. This brainwashing is the true power of our age, just as liberalism itself is by far the most violent ideology; the fusion with Americanism makes it deadly. What brightens my day is that (a) millions understand this and (b) the current panic of the rulers and their managers, which tells us the wind can change without notice. In the Sixties, that happened…”

Self-Diagnosis: How to Tell if You Are a Liberal

(This questionnaire obviously applies chiefly to Americans)

1. You remain a mainstream Democrat.
2. You supported and still support Hillary Clinton.

6. You still think Rachel Maddow and Amy Goodman are reliable journalists and not compromised imperial shills.
7. You believe that Obamacare is a great piece of legislation and that it should not be touched.
9. You believe Donald Trump is the most dangerous and heinous human being that ever existed.
11. You think Putin is a thug and Russia the most aggressive and devious nation on earth. They should be contained!  You also believe Pres. Assad is a brutal dictator who deserves to be overthrown for the sake of human rights.
12. You think Charlie Rose is a great journalist.

That should help with your self-diagnosis. Pleading “AYE” to any of these questions should tell you are contaminated with a worldview that is at best grotesquely inadequate and self-serving, and at worst maliciously biased and a threat to real social justice and world peace. Run for the exits! Start re-examining your beliefs. Google the people and orgs we mention above.


(1) D. HAIPHONG, Message to the Movement Against Donald Trump: Let the Empire Die
2) Late-Night’s 10 Greatest Trump Takedowns of 2016—and Why They Failed to Take Him Down, The Daily Beast, 12.28.16. Below, a quote from the referenced article:

John Oliver, Samantha Bee, Seth Meyers, and others tried their best to take out Donald Trump in 2016. They were powerful but failed to burst through the liberal bubble.

Donald Trump had lost the election, we would probably be praising America’s late-night comedians for successfully exposing him as an immoral and corrupt narcissist who nearly fooled the country into electing him president.

Instead, we’re left with our present reality in which the type of comedic takedowns so eagerly shared by liberal viewers may have actually reinforced the core message that cemented Trump’s success.



Patrice Greanville is the Greanville Post's editor in chief.

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