The Trump Presidency: RIP

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By Paul Craig Roberts
From Paul Craig Roberts Website

Wake up. Pass it on. Deal with it. 

Has Donald Trump overestimated his presidential power? The answer is yes.

Is Steve Bannon, Trump’s main adviser, politically inexperienced? The answer is yes.

We can conclude from the answers to these two questions that Trump is in over his head and will pay a big price.

How large will the price be?

The New York Times reports that US “intelligence agencies”sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.”

Former National Security Agency (NSA) spy John Schindler tweeted on Twitter that a senior intelligence community colleague sent him an email stating that the deep state had declared nuclear war on Trump and that “He will die in jail.”

It is possible that this will be the case.

At the end of World War II, the military/security complex decided that the flow of profits and power from war and threats of war were too great to be relinquished to an era of peace. This complex manipulated a weak and inexperienced President Truman into a gratuitous Cold War with the Soviet Union. The lie was created, and accepted by the gullible American people, that International Communism intended world conquest. This lie was transparent, because Stalin had purged and murdered Leon Trotsky and all communists who believed in world revolution. “Socialism in one country,” declared Stalin.

Academic experts, knowing where their bread was buttered, went along with and contributed to the deceit. By 1961 the overarching power of the military/security complex was apparent to President Eisenhower, a five star general in charge of the US invasion of German occupied Western Europe during the Second World War. The private power that the military/security complex (Eisenhower called it the military-industrial complex) exercised disturbed Ike so much that in his last address to the American people he said we must guard against its subversion of democracy:

Bill Kristol has expressed his preference for a deep state coup over democratically elected President Trump.

The liberal/progressive/left has aligned with the One Percent against the “racist, misogynist, homophobic” working class — the “Trump deplorables” — who elected Trump. Even the uninformed musician, Moby, felt compelled to post ignorant nonsense on Facebook:

Moby: Typical celebrity ignoramus.

“1-the russian dossier on trump is real. 100% real. he’s being blackmailed by the russian government, not just for being peed on by russian hookers, but for much more nefarious things.
“2-the trump administration is in collusion with the russian government, and has been since day one.”

Now that Trump has been tainted with “associations with Russian intelligence,” the idiot Republicans, according to Bloomberg, have “joined calls by Democrats for a deeper look at contacts between President Donald Trump’s team and Russian intelligence agents Wednesday [Feb. 15], indicating a growing sense of political peril within the party as new reports surfaced of extensive contacts between the two.” Of course, there is no evidence of such contacts, but facts are not part of the campaign to depose Trump.

Trump’s sacking of Flynn is being used as vindication by his opponents of their false charges that the President of the United States is compromised by Russian intelligence. Realizing the mistake, the White House has tried to counter its blunder by saying that Flynn was dismissed because Trump lost confidence in him, not because he did anything illegal or had connections to Russian intelligence. But none of Trump’s opponents are listening. And the CIA keeps feeding fake news to the presstitutes.

Eisenhower’s warning was to the point. However, it relied on “an alert and knowledgeable citizenry,” which the US does not have.

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]rom the very beginning I warned that Trump lacked the experience and the knowledge to pick a government that would stand by him and serve his agenda. Trump has now fired the one person on whom he could have counted. The most obvious conclusion is that Trump is dead meat.

The effort of the American people to bring government back under their control via Trump has been defeated by the deep state.

Chris Hedges argument that revolution is the only way that Americans can reclaim their country continues to gain credibility.

President Donald Trump Full Press Conference Addresses Ties to Russia, Leaks, and “Fake News” 2/16/17


Whatever the rhetoric, neither Trump nor any member of the American establishment—Democrat or Republican— can be believed for a second that they have the intention, requisite understanding or capability to fix the proliferating problems and crises caused by global capitalism.  All of these people and their institutional arrangements are not the cure, they are the disease. This is a struggle within factions of the ruling class and neither side’s agenda portends anything good for humanity and this planet; certainly not peace, so desperately needed and still grotesquely ignored by the currently inflamed but clueless protesting masses. Under such conditions the blooming of genuine democracy is delusional. As Dr Roberts and other observers have documented, Trump’s glaring and exasperatingly whimsical inconsistencies (which extend to his entourage) disarm many who would otherwise support him. What good is to declare that he wants to get along with Russia when with the next breath he is threatening an idiotic and enormously criminal war against Iran or North Korea? Listening to this man is often like listening to an arsonist who declares that he will spare this mansion but will burn down the whole neighborhood a couple of blocks away. Yet the worst part of our predicament is that the legion of establishment critics, literally marinated in hypocrisy, clamoring for his scalp are no better than The Donald by a long shot. In fact they represent the more professional criminals in the Western ruling class, and therefore an even more dreadful menace to justice, peace, and all life on this planet. —PG


Dr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration. He was associate editor and columnist with the Wall Street Journal, columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service. He is a contributing editor to Gerald Celente's Trends Journal. He has had numerous university appointments. His books, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is available here, and How America Was Lost, can be ordered here. His latest book, The Neoconservative Threat To International Order: Washington's Perilous War For Hegemony, can be ordered here

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