Loathing the Hammerheads

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by John Rohn Hall

In a letter titled “John Wayne/Hammerhead Piece”, published in his 2000 volume of private correspondence, “Fear and Loathing in America”, Hunter S. Thompson compiled a list of Hammerhead Sharks, whose ancestors had grown legs, crawled out of the sea, and wreaked their special brand of havoc on terra firma.  Their quintessential poster boy was John Wayne, a mediocre actor who never took a role where he didn’t have the opportunity to pummel somebody to a bloody pile of hamburger.

Nobody in particular.  Anybody would do.  It’s why U.S. audiences still idolize him nearly four decades after his demise.  This land was built on the blood and guts of dark folks, poor folks, weak folks, poorly-armed folks, lesser people.  Gentle losers and human punching bags.  Folks eliminated by Hammerheads, personified by the likes of “The Duke”.  The U.S.A. should have really changed its official motto from “In God We Trust” to “Might Makes Right”.  Long ago.

As befits the need of a sociopathic empire Kissinger has been directing “Hammerhead” foreign policy for decades.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s Dr. Thompson said, Hammerheads are brainless.  They have to be aimed.  They are generally aimed by handlers in positions of authority who, far from being brainless, tend to be soulless, greedy, and hungry for power.  Often they hold high offices in the public sector, and are usually heaped with rewards and praise for their efforts.  Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Henry Kissinger for example, who aimed Amerikan Hammerhead forces into Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and East Timor.  Bloodthirsty freak Hank Kissinger, who directed Operation Condor and aimed the Hammerhead Death Squads in an orgy of kidnapping, torture, and murder in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.  Mild-mannered son of the Devil, Kissinger, who is quoted as saying to Alexander Haig that military men are “dumb stupid animals to be used “as pawns for foreign policy.  “The United States Department of War” received a name change and public relations upgrade in 1949, becoming “The United States Department of Defense”.  I’d suggest another shift in nomenclature to “Last Bastion of the All-Amerikan Hammerhead”.

In John Ford’s homage to Ireland Wayne played—counter-type—a relatively benign character, a reluctant fighter.

Hammerheads are everywhere.  Somewhere in the neighborhood of 95% of my childhood friends grew up to be Hammerheads, or Hammerhead Cheerleaders.  The Cheerleaders are just as loathsome, giving credence and credibility to the blood-sucking scumbags they love so well.  The Cheerleaders crawled out of the woodwork like a swarm of applauding vampire termites when the U.S. Military-glorifying abomination “American Sniper” was in all the local theaters for an extra-long and profitable run.  If I were a Christian I’d find solace in the probability that there is an extremely large place of eternal damnation and torture, reserved in Hell for The Duke and his followers, who’ve been carrying out or supporting a scorched earth policy across the Western Hemisphere and in nearly every corner of this planet for the last 500+ years.  And, in fairness, since the dawn of man.  Defending and saluting flags, snuffing people by the millions, murdering, raping, and pillaging for fun and profit.  Satisfying that ancient taste for blood.

Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper was a huge box office success with the flag-waving crowd. Hollywood is good at burnishing the mawkish, self-flattering myths that becloud the American consciousness from cradle to grave.

As Andy Dufresne said in “The Shawshank Redemption, “…hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”  Alongside a relatively small, loosely-knit army of cadres, I’ve been fighting a war against all-Amerikan Hammerheads for about a half century now.  The battles were once waged with pen and paper; now via HP Pavillion electronics.  I have a little potted house plant named Hope.  I water her religiously, give her a good daily dose of sunlight, and even a little organic fertilizer.  Occasionally Hope buds out, adding a leaf or two to her frail network of stems, only to wither slightly and shed every ounce of new growth.  Hope isn’t dead, but chances of her survival look slimmer every day.  Root rot, I’d guess.  Or perhaps systemic putrefaction.

I like to believe that I have an innate sense of how the world works.  If not a firsthand knowledge, at least an elementary understanding of the warped and scheming motivations behind the sociopaths who own and operate the most powerful and feared Empire in earth’s history.  The U.S.A., Empire, the belly of the beast, my birthplace, and likely the place in which my ashes will someday soon blow in the wind.

But all too often, I’m faced with yet another ‘holy crap’ moment.  Usually not in a good way, and Hope withers once again…edging ever-closer to the dumpster.  Poor damned plant.  Hope springs eternal my ass.  Alexander Pope was full of shit.  I can thank Douglas Valentine for the recent and imminent demise of Hope.  Douglas and his book: “The CIA as Organized Crime.  How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World”.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he CIA is run by a clique of sick-freak Kissinger look-alikes which aims and controls a gargantuan shiver of Hammerheads which does its bidding.  Anyone familiar with John Perkins (the infamous economic hit man) knows how the CIA controls, or attempts to control, the economies of nearly every country in the world…via bribery, assassination, coup d’etat, or war.  Anyone familiar with Michael Ruppert knows that the CIA is the major player in world drug smuggling.  I know of no U.S. Senator, Congressman, Supreme Court Justice, or President who’s had the huevos to spill the beans on how they’re personally aimed by the CIA, but it seems obvious to anyone who pays attention.  With few exceptions they’re all Hammerheads.  The rebels won’t be reelected.  Nobody wants to end up like a Kennedy or Paul Wellstone.

What jumped up and bit me in the ass from “The CIA’s Cult of Death” was the section devoted to media.  As Napoleon famously said: “War is ninety percent information.”  We know from the likes of German journalist Udo Ulfkotte that wherever on earth there’s a journalist to be bought or bullied, the CIA is there to do so.  There’s barely a shadow of a doubt that CIA Hammerheads own every mainstream news commentator and corporate news purveyor in the U.S.A.  And make no mistake, we are at war with these Hammerheads.  Lucky for us, we’re smart enough to understand that our only conceivable weapons are our words, but here in the lunatic fringe of the information highway, the words of truth are often lost in the wind.  Our pulpits are economically starved, while the CIA pumps unlimited funds and instructions into the MSM.  Smiling Hammerheads are happily breeding before our very eyes, as the shiver grows.

Happily, we still have a few brethren whose voices are heard regularly on CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and so forth.  Douglas Valentine names names, and I won’t do so here, but these well-known journalists are often interviewed in front of large audiences. These high profile personalities are our best hope to win the information war.  Right?  Maybe not.  Not according to Mr. Valentine, who questions the journalistic credibility of some alleged giants of the progressive movement.

I’ve always had the utmost respect for everyone on Douglas Valentine’s list, but often wondered why they all…every one of them… has a tendency to tread lightly on issues of extreme controversy.  After all, nobody wants the made-up CIA phrase “conspiracy theorist” attached to his resume.  Are these folks Lite Progressives?  I’ve never heard any of them breach issues like the undeniable truth that 911 was an inside job, or that any one of a number of “terrorist attacks” might possibly be false flag events, or that the Kennedys, King, Malcom, Wellstone and others were snuffs by taxpayer-funded Hammerheads, or that the CIA is THE key player in the world drug and arms businesses.  Are these Lite Progressives groomed to keep the official public conversation within a range comfortable for the CIA/Wall Street?  The folks on Valentine’s list are all well-compensated journalists.  Are they being paid to neatly tuck the whole truth under a rug?  Do they simply distract us from the big picture?

We are at war with the Hammerheads, and they are everywhere.  Some may even appear to be our cadres, but as Dr. Thompson used to say:  “It’s never as it seems, Bubba.”  He also said that “…there is not much evidence in history of either God or Justice.  The best we can hope for is Truth.”  Be ever vigilant.  Trust nobody.  Least of all me.  I’m still awaiting that cash offer from the CIA, but I won’t hold my breath.  I even reached out to a troll recently, telling him (her) to put in a good word for me with the bloodthirsty freaks who sign his paycheck.  Most people can be bought.  Truth is priceless.  Hasta la victoria siempre.


 John R. Hall is a street-trained agnotologist with an advanced degree in American Ignorance. Other hats include: photojournalist, novelist, restaurateur, mountaineer, grocer, nurseryman, and janitor. He’s written three novels which have been read by almost nobody: ‘Embracing Darwin’, ‘Last Dance in Lubberland’, and ‘Atlas fumbled’. An untrained writer and college drop-out, he began his short career in journalism writing the ‘Excursion’ column for The Jackson Hole News & Guide. More recently he penned the ‘Left Column’ for The Molokai Island Times; appropriately on the island once known as a leper colony. John currently resides, writes, and protests injustice in the shadow of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, and walks among the spirits of those who once occupied the 79 Disappeared Pueblos.   

MAIN IMAGE: John Wayne in Fort Apache, one of John Ford’s “classic cavalry trilogy” films. He was saved by the terrific acting chops of Henry Fonda and a superb supporting cast. 

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