America Seeks to Destroy Syrian Civilization, Replace it With Terrorism and Ignorance

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By Mark Taliano

 Global Research, March 22, 2017 | Region: 
Destroying edu thru war

NATO/GCC/Israeli proxy terrorists in Syria have committed all manner of atrocities with a view to destroying Syria’s culture, history, economy, pluralism, its very essence.  They want to create a blank slate. They want to destroy the country’s secular institutions so that Syria devolves into a sectarian terrorist cesspool of death and ignorance.  All of this is well documented.

Dr. Joseph Saadeh, a dentist and city councilor in the liberated Christian town of Maaloula, Syria, expressed similar sentiments in this video.

The well-orchestrated, genocidal terrorism, includes assaults on Syria’s previously exemplary education system, with a view to replacing it with anti-Islamic Wahhabi/Takfiri-oriented teachings of hatred and violence.

Investigative reporter and Syrian resident Tom Duggan reported in a text message that the terrorists

turned these beacons of education (schools) into platforms of terror and launching the Takfiri extremist ideology which will invade the whole world if not stopped. The result is that Syria believed in producing a well-educated civilized human being, while the terrorists planned to produce a new generation of terrorists who only believe in killing people and destroying humanity, that did not conform to their strict ideas these monsters will be on the European borders and here we have a decision to make it yours to choose between the civilized education of mankind and a hideous ideology that only resembles humans in shape and form a blind obedience to create suffering and destruction of any modern society that opposes them.

In a recently-released documentary, the Sun Of Syria series, Duggan explains that in their efforts to destroy Syria’s education system, terrorists targeted and destroyed modern educational infrastructure, including schools (444 schools were destroyed by terrorists since 2011), and the Ministry Of Education’s main printing depot, the Eral Establishment for Printing And Textbook(s), which was under siege for 80 days.

It should be obvious that the West’s on-going efforts to destroy Syria have nothing to do with democracy, and everything to do with its on-going support for genocide, terror, and destruction.

Mark Taliano is a retired high school teacher. Currently he is a writer and activist residing in the Niagara region. 

MAIN IMAGE: US-supported Takfiri using special gun supplied by the US/Saudi/NATO coalition against the Syrian government. 

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