SUMMIT OF HYPOCRISY: Trump attacks Syria following Western false flag gas attack designed to smear Assad

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President Trump orders military strike on Syria – Statement by President Trump on Syria

(2) Comment by the Editor

It didn’t take long for Trump to cave in to the Deep State, assuming he had any concrete and clear notions or principles to begin with, which I always doubted, given this man’s permanent state of self-inflicted, complete cluelessness about what really goes on in the world.  So now he’s doing his best D-list actor impersonation to sound presidential, the Killer in Chief, the requisite talent for every POTUS when it comes to justify a cowardly and baseless aggression against a weaker nation, dutifully reciting all these sanctimonious reasons for which that terrible monster, Assad, should be punished and ideally removed from office and murdered Gaddafi style, a method favored by the Queen of Chaos and her sinister entourage. As if the US elites cared one iota about the death of innocents.

As Jim Miles says in a companion essay on this topic, Trump’s actions “demonstrate to a high degree how easily manipulated Trump is and how there is not an iota of critical thinking occurring in Trump’s prefrontal cortex…”

Indeed, the idiocy is so apparent that it defies belief. Are we to believe a man who has clawed his way to the imperial throne can be that stupid and ignorant not to know it was the US that started this aggression against a sovereign nation more than six years ago? That the elimination of an independent Syria—a nation that threatened no one except being in the way of a perennially expansionist Israel— has been in the Anglo-Zionist imperial agenda for more than a generation? That it was and has been the US all along with its accomplices in NATO and the Gulf despots that started tearing Syria apart in 2011, (a huge intra-Arab betrayal, by the way, which shows class interest trumps even tribal allegiances), Obama cynically using ISIL and al-Qaeda mercenaries and fanatics as a proxy army willing and capable of committing the most barbaric atrocities in modern history? That if it weren’t for the providential intervention of Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah, Syria would have been already drawn, quartered, and puppetized, and transformed into the latest example of a zombified Libya? Granted, businessmen, anti-intellectuals by definition, are usually impatient nincompoops when it comes to anything beyond their narrow expertise, but Trump is a Philistine on steroids.

With the dirty deed done, and perfectly on cue, the usual suspects are lining up to offer support and gushing praise for this indisputable instance of international criminal aggression: Israel, Turkey (with Erdogan reverting to his usual treacherous role), Britain and her progeny of little Brits, all baying for more Syrian blood; and naturally France and Germany, also part of the new choir of les abominables.  The empire does not have real friends—no decent person or nation with an atom of moral integrity could be a real friend of Washington’s cliques—but it does have a well cultivated network of reliable whores. And their certification will serve the imperial purposes, all of it neatly wrapped and delivered with pink ribbons, courtesy of the equally abject and prostituted mainstream press.

Meanwhile, do note how things work smoothly in the deep state, how all parts of the monstrous machinery of disinformation and aggression—including the pseudo lefts like public intellectual Juan Cole and his ilk, who can always be counted to whitewash imperial adventures—work in sync to attain the system’s filthy objectives. Not too long ago, during the latest Oscar’s extravaganza, the Soros/CIA funded White Helmets, subjects of a fawning documentary, an organization created specifically as a propaganda prop, received an Oscar for their “humanitarian work in Syria.”  This is beyond Orwellian in its sheer indecency, but par for the course in the latter days of a rotting empire. In any case, as expected, the award fits nicely now that the White Helmets, again, have paid off, and are the key actors providing the supposed “proof”, the smoking gun,  for Damascus’ putative guilt in the chemical weapons attack in Idlib. How convenient!

Meanwhile see below how the mainstream media outlets eat it up, this repulsive lie, raising the temperature for war or intimidation of other powers also involved in the war, a defining conflict we can justifiably call the “Spain of our Time.”  If you can stomach it, take a tour of places where raw stupidity and chauvinism are on dazzling display, places like the reader threads on The Washington Post, throbbing with unrepentant obtuse jingoism (comments which I suspect are being doctored anyhow for good measure, in keeping with the Big Lies peddled by that paper); as well as comment lines on the more popular “liberal” media sites, CNN, MSNBC, etc. It may make your hair fall out, if you still have any.

Lastly, consider how undiplomatic and rude, to put it mildly, what a slap in the face, to stage this act of blatant international lawlessness, during the state visit of Xi Jinping, a true statesman representing one of the most promising and important powers on Earth today, and an ally of Russia, directly involved in the Syrian maelstrom. Ah, the saintly patience that Putin and Xi must have to absorb these revolting demonstrations of imperialist arrogance by the American hegemon while refraining to accept the challenge and plunge the entire globe into an infernal chaos with no winners at all.


Patrice Greanville is editor in chief of The Greanville Post.

Examples of the Ministry of Truth in action.

ABC weighs in…

CBS stoking the fires…

Military strike comes after Trump previously railed against Syria intervention

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President Trump was very vocal in opposing intervention in Syria before he was elected, but that changed this week. CBS News political director Steve Chaggaris has more on that and the political ramifications of the cruise missile strike Trump launched against Syria.

Turkey says autopsies prove chemical attack in Syria

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U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley suggests the Trump administration will take action if the international community fails to respond to the apparent chemical attack in Syria. Holding up photos of victims, Haley blamed Russia for protecting the Assad government. Holly Williams reports from along the Turkey-Syria border.

President Donald Trump: Syria Chemical Attack Is ‘An Affront To Humanity’ | NBC Nightly News


That’s the first question posed by any intelligent investigator, and by that elementary standard, Assad emerges blameless, something we cannot say for his al-Qaeda/ISIL opponents.


We thank these honorable people: Richard Black (Virginia state senator); Ron Paul, former Libertarian candidate and principled anti-interventionist, for coming forth at this hour of crisis to inject reason and truth where the mainstream media are intent on overwhelming serving only lies and obfuscation.

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Virginia state senator and former head of the Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, Richard Black: “This is an act of desperation. A last ditch attempt to attempt to draw the NATO countries, to give them some reason to come into the war on the side of the terrorists. I challenge anyone to give me a rational motive why they would use poison gas on the rebels. There’s no motive. If there’s no motive for a crime typically there is no crime.”

Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: ‘It doesn’t make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.’


Few people embody the strain of perverse confusion that runs through the heart of US political opinion better than Alex Jones, the controversial media figure and loyal Trump supporter who manages to have an extremely lucid understanding of many things concerning domestic and international policy, while also persisting in believing (or pretending to believe, considering his smarts) that Trump is indeed some sort of latter-day honest and capable “conservative populist”, a new Huey Long of the right. Consider this video, where, except for his inane defense of Trump, everything he says, more or less, is right on target.

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EDITOR’S NOTE: No material by this author or any other author published on this site should be read as a defense of Donald trump and his policies. For us Trump, the GOP and the Democrats are all part of the same malignant threat to Democracy, world peace, truth and honesty in fiscal affairs afflicting the US and the rest of the world, and emanating from the irrepressible dynamics of global capitalism, whose main citadel is currently in the United States.

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