You Fools You Fools You Fools



Duty to Warn: You Fools You Fools You Fools* | Gary G. Kohls, MD

How Amateur Presidents, Amateur Secretaries of State and Amateur Ambassadors to the United Nations Could Start World War III

*“Perhaps there is no more fitting tribute…to all wars everywhere – than the closing chapters of Johnny Got His Gun. Published on September 3, 1939, two days after the start of WWII. Dalton Trumbo’s novel was about a World War I veteran whose four limbs, face and genitals had been blown away by a shell but had been kept alive in a secret military hospital as a curiosity. He is deaf, dumb, and blind, and must lift and drop his head against a hospital pillow to tap out – in Morse code – what he wants to tell mankind. He asks that the wretched trunk of his body be placed in a glass case and taken around the world on display. One of the last powerful paragraphs of the book ends this way: ‘I know the truth and you don’t you fools. You fools you fools you fools…”

“Take me into your churches your great towering cathedrals that have to be rebuilt every fifty years because they are destroyed by war. Carry me in my glass box down the aisles where kings and priests and brides and children at their confirmation have gone so many times before to kiss a splinter of wood from a true cross on which was nailed the body of a man who was lucky enough to die. Set me high on your altars and call on god to look down upon his murderous little children his dearly beloved little children. Wave over me the incense I can’t smell. Swill down the sacramental wine I can’t taste. Drone out the prayers I can’t hear. Go through the old holy gestures for which I have no legs and no arms. Chorus out the hallelujahs I can’t sing. Bring them out loud and strong for me your hallelujahs all of them for me.”

“To fight that war they would need men and if men saw the future they wouldn’t fight. So they were masking the future they were keeping the future a soft quiet deadly secret. They knew that if all the little people all the little guys saw the future they would begin to ask questions and they would find answers that they would say to the guys who wanted them to fight they would say ‘you lying thieving sons-of-bitches we won’t fight we won’t be dead we will live we are the world we are the future and we will not let you butcher us no matter what you say no matter what speeches you make no matter what slogans you write’…

“Remember this. Remember this well you people who plan for war. Remember this you patriots you fierce ones you spawners of hate you inventors of slogans. Remember this as you have never remembered anything else in your lives.” – The above quotes are excerpted from Hell, Healing and Resistance: Veterans Speak, by Daniel Hallock

LThroughout its history, the evidence of American military atrocities and war crimes are routinely censored-out by the American mainstream media, with sugar-coated fake news being substituted instead.

And, as usual, the compliant American press also took the bait and immediately jumped to the Trump White House’s approved conclusion – thus convincing its exquisitely brain-washable and very obedient American news consumers that simplistic politicized explanations of complex issues are preferred, right or wrong. Damn the torpedoes; full steam ahead!

So now everybody who trusts the mainstream American media believes that they know all they need to know about the issue, and that is this: Assad, rather than any of the many likely-to-be-guilty anti-government militias or rebel groups in the Syrian civil war, was the sole perpetrator of the dirty deed.

And so the blindered, flag-waving, anti-Muslim majorities here in America reflexively cheered the newest “strong man”, “tough on socialism and crime” in the Oval Office when Trump directed Secretary of War General James “Mad Dog” Mattis to order the over-the-top retaliatory air strike. There is a lot of finger-crossing by the Trump team and a lot of praying by the Pence team going on right now, hoping, if and when an unbiased investigative team examines all the evidence, that the Syrian army will be found guilty. But don’t count on it.

Our once honorable and respected nation had developed a habit of shooting first and asking questions later. This is stupid on so many different levels. Such childish behaviors are a sure way to make the millions of our abused, denigrated and humiliated enemies start looking at all the soft targets that exist all around the world, including our vulnerable consulates and military bases, and all the indefensible oil pipelines and electric grids. People who live in glass houses -and nations that have target-rich environments – shouldn’t throw stones.

<<<Sociopaths and Narcissists Never Say They’re Sorry>>>

Strongmen, especially the narcissistic and sociopathic ones, never admit that they are ever wrong, nor do they ever say “I’m sorry”. And don’t expect any Mea Culpas from the war-mongering, militaristic types that are infesting the Trump administration, especially the Joint Chiefs of Staff-types that are in the habit of giving us such criminal disasters as the Operation Northwoods false flag operation, the Gulf of Tonkin false flag op, the My Lai Massacre and cover-up, the Kuwaiti Baby hoax and the Massacre in Fallujah (compliments of “Mad Dog” Mattis and company – [google “James Mattis is a War Criminal”]).

Remorseless, shameless, militaristic, racist, xenophobic, neofascist, plutocratic megalomaniacs are over-represented in Washington, DC and New York right now – although they have always been there; and the Deep State/Military/Industrial/Congressional Complex has been orchestrating conspiracies on a daily basis. Planning conspiracies is Job # 1 of secret cult-like groups like the CIA, the Mossad, MI6, the FBI and all the other intelligence services that serve the Deep State. (Google “Mike Lofgren and the Deep State” and “Dark Money”.),)

In 2007, Clark was shown a Pentagon memo that listed seven Mideast Muslim nations for which there were contingency plans to invade or otherwise de-stabilize. The only nation among the seven that has not yet been invaded is Iran.

As of this moment, besides the Syria cruise missile caper, the most obvious incident risking a war is already happening in the China Sea, with amateurs Trump and Tillerson making threats against North Korea and sending the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier battle group to head toward North Korea, risking some sort of military provocation.

Throughout its history, the evidence of American military atrocities and war crimes are routinely censored-out by the American mainstream media, with sugar-coated fake news being substituted instead. We simpletons and untermenschen are only allowed to see the nefarious deeds of the “bad guys” of enemy nations, but never our own. So it is easy to believe the propagandized version of the wars that are fought by the honorable warrior sons of our “shining city on a hill”.

As an example of how war propaganda works, it is next to impossible for anybody who gets their news from America’s mainstream media to recall any of the details of the Fallujah, Iraq massacre of 2004 – because we were never allowed to see the videos of the US Marine war crime nor did we hear any of the atrocity stories. Another example is the fact that virtually all of the thousands of photos and films of the aftermath of the Hiroshima or Nagasaki bombings were immediately confiscated and/or destroyed by General McArthur. America’s tender sensibilities would have been assaulted, and its appetite for future atomic war preparations would have been blunted.

Most Americans never knew there was an atrocity-producing war going on in Korea in the early 1950s because it was censored by the military elites. It was not called the Hidden War for nothing. And we American never found out about the My Lai massacre (March 16, 1968) until years later because it was covered-up by military insiders – including Colin Powell; nor were we told anything about the hundreds of little My Lai massacres that happened routinely during the Vietnam War.

Publicizing such things would weaken the innate patriotism of the citizenry and perhaps inflame some otherwise complacent civilians to object, resist, revolt or even adversely affect the stock market. And American elites won’t allow anything to happen that might threaten America’s artificial, sometimes drug-induced “tranquility”. Keeping the population comfortably numb is preferable.

But honesty demands that Americans acknowledge that the Pentagon and the CIA have been torturing innocent “suspects” for a long time, and they have been regularly committing crimes and atrocities all over the Mideast ever since 2002 – most recently in Yemen and Iraq. But, true to form, most Americans have already erased the stories that we might have heard only once from their short memories. Guilt-inducing realities, if we hear about them at all, are rapidly flushed down the Big Media and Pentagon toilets – and our memories are ready for the next False Flag op or hoax – which will only excite us until the next news cycle begins.

With the American war crimes against innocent civilians in Iraq and Yemen effectively erased from our memory, the American media has been happy to promote the conspiracy theory that Assad and his air force conspired to use poison gas against Syrian targets. Having accomplished that sleight of hand, the media has shamelessly judged Assad of being a unique war criminal, thus simultaneously obscuring our own guilt and permitting Trump to jump to conclusions and order the bombing of the Syrian military air base – before any documented evidence of who was actually responsible could be brought before an unbiased tribunal.

Of course, the Al Queda videos went viral, instantly becoming very popular with the Russophobic Western pro-militarist elites in both NeoLiberal (corporate economic interventionists) and NeoConservative (corporate military interventionist) circles. And of course the corporate-controlled mainstream media – including the once-honorable PBS and NPR – have predictably failed to apply honorable investigative journalistic principles to the events, thus endorsing the military response that predictably boosted Trump’s approval ratings.

The US military has lost every significant combat war it has engaged in since WWII (including Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq) and their war-profiteering industrialists have been casting about for more blame-worthy enemies to justify the annual trillion dollar, bankrupting military spending and war materiel orders that keep the weapons industries, Wall Street and the Pentagon humming.

About the author
gary kohlsGARY G. KOHLS, Special Contributing Editor Dr Kohls is a retired physician from Duluth, MN, USA. He writes a weekly column for the Duluth Reader, the area’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His columns deal with the dangers of American fascism, corporatism, militarism, racism, malnutrition, Big Pharma’s psychiatric drugging and over-vaccination regimens, and other movements that threaten the environment, health, democracy, civility and longevity of the populace. Many of his columns are archived at


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