Hey You, White House: Ha, Ha, Charade You Are

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The Donald Trump Fan Club is made up of an improbable assortment of strange bedfellows indeed.  His fraud and charade have inspired and invigorated a vast majority of alt-right, skinhead, Nazis for all obvious reasons.  Oddly, on the far-left, a large contingent of my brethren: Internationalists/Socialists/Communists are convinced that the fledgling president, in spite of his overtly racist/fascist agenda, is fighting the good fight against neoliberal/neoconservative establishment warmongers.  And, of course, the core group of The Donald’s supporters is what Hillary lovingly referred to as the “basket of deplorables”.  They love Trump because they’re fed up with the lies and empty promises of career politicians, and see him as an outsider… a politically incorrect businessman who came out of nowhere to put an end to the D.C. status quo.  This group tends to be downwardly mobile, Caucasian, xenophobic, Obamaphobic, and mostly just tired of seeing blackish faces in The White House.

About the Author
JOHN R. HALL, Senior Contributing Editor John R. Hall is a street-trained agnotologist with an advanced degree in American Ignorance. Other hats include: photojournalist, novelist, restaurateur, mountaineer, grocer, nurseryman, and janitor. He’s written three novels which have been read by almost nobody: ‘Embracing Darwin’, ‘Last Dance in Lubberland’, and ‘Atlas fumbled’. An untrained writer and college drop-out, he began his short career in journalism writing the ‘Excursion’ column for The Jackson Hole News & Guide. More recently he penned the ‘Left Column’ for The Molokai Island Times; appropriately on the island once known as a leper colony. John currently resides, writes, and protests injustice in the shadow of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, and walks among the spirits of those who once occupied the 79 Disappeared Pueblos. Read more John Halls’s articles. 

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uza2-zombienationWhat will it take to bring America to live according to its own self image?
