Washington Post Already Claiming Russiagate Is Still Valid Even If Seth Rich Was DNC Leaker

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A clear move to do damage control via co-optation to put out the fire before it gains real traction.

WaPo’s parent company

The CIA-funded Washington Post has something very important to tell you about the Seth Rich case. WaPo, which is owned by the planet’s third-wealthiest plutocrat and lucky recipient of $600 million from the US Central Intelligence Agency, would like you to be aware that if for some reason it should be revealed that Russia didn’t hack the emails of DNC staffers and provide them to WikiLeaks, this doesn’t nullify the Trump-Russia collusion story. You know, just in case something should happen in the near future to make you think such a thing.

Good ol’ WaPo. Always looking out for us, right?

The Washington Post has been working tirelessly to kill interest in the Seth Rich story since it moved back into the spotlight following a shocking report by Fox News, releasing reports every day in which it frenetically assures readers that there’s no need to pay attention to the dead man behind the curtain. In its most recent story in this series, oddly titled “The Seth Rich conspiracy’s biggest myths, explained,” WaPo agent David Weigel waited until halfway through his article to deliver the core message that WaPo’s directors need readers to believe:

If the theory is right, does the “Trump/Russia” story implode?

That’s pretty clearly what Sean Hannity thinks. “If Seth was wiki source, no Trump/Russia collusion,” the Fox News host tweeted this past weekend, as he promoted the out-of-almost-nowhere arrival of Internet celebrity Kim Dotcom to the story. The theory is simple: If someone could prove that WikiLeaks had a mole inside the DNC, the table-banging about Russia-linked hacking would be debunked, whoosh, just like that.

The problem, which really should be more obvious, is that the DNC wasn’t the only Democratic campaign organization hacked in 2016. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was hacked. Podesta’s email was hacked. In the fantasy where the Rich obsessives are vindicated, they end up with no rebuttal to the federal investigators who say that hackers penetrated the DCCC and Clinton’s campaign chairman. And, not incidentally, the emails that did the most intra-Democratic Party damage, like the proof that then-DNC Vice Chair Donna Brazile shared two questions that were going to be asked at Clinton-Sanders televised events, came from the Podesta hack.

So if I’m reading this CIA trade rag correctly (and I might not be as my eye is twitching furiously), we are meant to believe that should Russia be proven innocent of hacking DNC emails and giving them to WikiLeaks as mainstream outlets like the Washington Post have been assuring us every day they did, we still have to keep the Russia hysteria running full blast because surely the Russians are guilty of the other remaining hacking accusations that these outlets have been promulgating.








What the fucking fucking fucking fucking fuck???? No, Wapo! No! It doesn’t work that way, you scum-fucking shit scones! You have already been caught lying to us multiple times about Russia; if you’re proven wrong about the DNC leaks you don’t get to talk about Russia anymore! You’re done! You don’t get to be all “Yeah well we lied about those times but the other times we were telling the truth about Russia.” For fuck’s sake, you’re like a little kid covered in chocolate telling his parents he doesn’t know where the cake went!

I guess there’s no point arguing with CIA propagandists, but for any actual human beings reading this let’s get one thing perfectly clear: if Seth Rich is shown to have been the DNC leaker, they do not get to push their psychotic Russia conspiracies on us ever again. Ever. They are done. They will never, ever again brutalize the psyches of innocent people with their toxic, xenophobic, world-threatening mind virus. If the corporate media keep trying to keep that wheel spinning, we the people will kill it, and kill it hard. These disgusting parasites have been terrorizing the American people with Russophobic fairy tales since the DNC leaks dropped last July, and if they are shown to have been wrong about the leaks that started this whole thing, they are done. Democrats have to make changes to their party and WaPo needs to find a new way to sell infinitely overpriced subscriptions. End of.

Let us not forget my darling dearest muddle-headed WaPo, if it does indeed turn out that Seth Rich was the leaker, you might remember that he died under very mysterious circumstances, circumstances that have been yet-to-forth hidden from mainstream view, but in the cold light of day will look Very Dodgy Indeed. You know it, I know it. Do you think America is going to give a flying fuck about examining the disintegrating threads of your insane Russian conspiracy theory when it comes to light that a young man may have been murdered in cold blood in part to create the warmongering narrative you are promulgating? Do you think we’re all going to stand around looking pensively at your diagrams of Russian business connections dating back to 1989 being all “Well, well, hmm, yes, that is indeed intriguing David, oh do tell us more” when the very real, very shocking, very blood-curdling reality smacks mainstream America in the face that it is under the rule of a system which will assassinate a young man, a young patriot, in cold blood?

I don’t think so, mate. I think you’re as done as a dead dingo’s donger (sorry, still hung over from my last article). I know you’re hoping desperately this will all go away, but if it turns out Rich was the leaker it’s going to be bigger than 9/11, and it will change people more than 9/11 did. The public interest in the death of this beautiful panda-loving young man will not be subdued. We will not let him die in vain. We will not let this be swept under the rug so you can continue sucking the life out of the American people with your corporate-sponsored World War Three. NO. Step off.

The Russiagate narrative already looks like a piece of swiss cheese that’s been executed by firing squad, and it’s only getting worse. America’s unelected power establishment is desperate to distract the public from the reality that they live in a country without anything resembling democracy, as well as to manufacture consent for regime change in Russia-occupied Syria and replace Putin with a compliant Yeltsin-like puppet, and their whole world-threatening strategy is falling apart at the seams. We may well discover that Seth Rich was assassinated not just because he was the DNC leaker, but because he knew he was the DNC leaker, and the deep state needed to stop him from ever coming forward and letting everyone know the truth, which would have thwarted their escalations with Russia via “hacking” narrative. They made a bold, stupid gamble and they fucked up, and now they look like a novice roller skater waving their arms around trying to regain balance. They’re going down though. These mother fuckers are going down.

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About the Author
 Caitlin Johnstone is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. 

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uza2-zombienationThe Russiagate narrative already looks like a piece of swiss cheese that’s been executed by firing squad, and it’s only getting worse. America’s unelected power establishment is desperate to distract the public from the reality that they live in a country without anything resembling democracy, as well as to manufacture consent for regime change in Russia-occupied Syria and replace Putin with a compliant Yeltsin-like puppet, and their whole world-threatening strategy is falling apart at the seams.
