Lendman on US /NATO/Israel crimes and shenanigans


US-Dominated NATO and Israel: Humanity’s Greatest Threat. The scum that passes for US leadership is at it again, with a vengeance. 

NATO’s killing machine partnered with Israel as an alliance Mediterranean Dialogue member threaten world peace and stability. Their agenda prioritizes militarism and warmaking, not serving as a “bulwark of international peace and security,” as NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg falsely claims.

NATO meet: A pod of criminals and scumbags. And professional sycophants to power. Why are idiots always smiling wanly, like eunuchs, in the presence of the king?

US-led Western imperialism is most threatening of all. Last summer, Sergey Lavrov said in seeking to maintain dominance, the West “act(s) like a bull in a china shop.” It ousted Iraq’s government “under a false pretext.” Its governments said “let’s resolve the problem of Libya, Syria and Iraq, organize elections and eradicate terrorism.”
“They say: first it is necessary to remove Assad, and then we’ll struggle against terrorism.” Gaddafi was ousted and murdered, Libya plunged into chaos. Iraq and Syria are endless cauldrons of violence, the region “turned into a hotbed of terrorism” because of US-led Western policies, Lavrov stressed.
On Monday, he blamed Western nations for pursuing regime change policies, along with backing terrorist groups responsible for violence and chaos in the Middle East. He called Libya “a backyard for terrorists and criminals.” US-led Western countries bear full responsibility for “bomb(ing)” and “violently overthrow(ing)” its government.
He blasted what he called “irresponsible policies,” Trump continuing what his predecessors began. Israel and America partner in each other’s wars. On Monday, Iran’s parliament Speaker Ali Larijani called the Jewish state “aggressive and racist,” a threat to the region and humanity.
“The aggressive and racist nature of the Zionist regime has always been and will remain a threat to humanity and to regional nations,” he stressed. Commenting on the 17th anniversary of Israel ending its illegal occupation of southern Lebanon, he urged Palestinians to follow the example of Lebanese freedom fighters to resist its oppression.
Liberation depends on “harmony, solidarity and resistance,” he stressed. Iran and Syria alone helped Lebanon during years of Israeli occupation, backed by America and other Western countries. Commemorating Lebanon’s liberation, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah blasted Trump’s visit to Riyadh, calling him disrespectful of Islam and Arab nations, consorting with a despotic regime responsible for “the spread of terrorist takfiri ideology,” causing havoc in the region and beyond.

As long as US-dominated NATO exists, waging endless imperial wars and supporting Israel’s rogue agenda, world peace and stability will remain unattainable.

US Threatens Force Against Syria’s Military

It appears just a matter of time before Washington terror-bombs Syrian forces, claiming they threaten US troops on the ground - operating illegally. So do US-led coalition warplanes - terror-bombing vital infrastructure and government sites on the phony pretext of combating ISIS America created and supports.
Sergey Lavrov expressed concern about US threats, saying not only were they made, but force is already ongoing along the Syrian border with Iraq and Jordan, escalating conflict, not taking steps to responsibly end it.
“I believe this situation is rather alarming as it directly affects Syria’s sovereignty. Certainly, these issues need to be solved, and (Russian forces are involved in) doing this now,” Lavrov explained, adding:
Things would be much easier if Washington agreed to work cooperatively with Moscow, including on “coordinating parameters (for the) de-escalation zones.” On May 18, US-led coalition warplanes terror-bombed Syrian and allied forces within one of the zones, a flagrant war crime - based on the phony claim that they threatened American and its partners, operating illegally in Syria, waging war, not peace, aiding terrorists instead of combating them.
In addition, Pentagon-led coalition warplanes are killing civilians daily, thousands since their illegal terror-bombing began in September 2014 - refusing to take responsibility for their high crimes. Defense Secretary Mattis dismissively called civilian deaths a “fact of life” - turning truth on its head claiming US forces “do everything humanly possible” to avoid civilian casualties.

Noncombatants suffer most in all US imperial wars. Rules of engagement consider them legitimate targets - massacred indiscriminately by warplanes and drone attacks.



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STEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  ( http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html ) Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com

EDITOR’S NOTE: No material by this author or any other author published on this site should be read as a defense of Donald trump and his despicable policies, OR implying that Donald Trump’s regime, or any which might follow, is worse than that which would have been organized under Hillary Clinton and her gang. 

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uza2-zombienationNATO’s killing machine partnered with Israel as an alliance Mediterranean Dialogue member threaten world peace and stability. Their agenda prioritizes militarism and warmaking, not serving as a “bulwark of international peace and security,” as NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg falsely claims.
