US Arms Pouring Into Syria

Washington’s goal is fueling and continuing conflict, not ending it.


[dropcap]A[/dropcap]rms and munitions for Kurdish YPG fighters and terrorists comprising the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces began arriving months earlier, more continuing to come. Much of what’s supplied ends up in the hands of ISIS, al-Nusra and other terrorist groups. Washington’s aim is toppling Assad, destroying Syrian sovereignty, achieving another imperial trophy, no matter the human cost.

America’s Accountability Office reported at least $1 billion worth of arms deliveries to Syria and Iraq are unaccountable. Numerous airdrops supply terrorist fighters. Turkish media reported convoys of trucks with US weapons and munitions poured into northern Syria, including heavy mortars and anti-tank missiles.

The Kurds—whose ancient settlements exist in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and other parts of the Middle East—have been fighting for many decades for a modicum of autonomy. The promise by the Americans of some freedom from their current allegiances is making them fight knowing full well they are also being used as cannon fodder by Washington's planners. (Image, Kurdish women fighters.)

Pentagon claims about using these weapons to defeat ISIS are false. Washington supports the terrorist scourge it claims to oppose. US arms shipments are part of an imperial scheme to oust Assad and destroy Syrian sovereignty, partitioning the country planned.
Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon lied, claiming weapons supplied are monitored to assure they’re used against ISIS. Its fighters are used as imperial foot soldiers - heavily armed by Washington, NATO, Saudi Arabia, Israel and other regional rogue states.
Days earlier, Trump duplicitously wished Muslims a “joyful Ramadan” - lasting from May 27 - June 24.
“At its core, the spirit of Ramadan strengthens awareness of our shared obligation to reject violence, to pursue peace, and to give to those in need who are suffering from poverty or conflict,” Trump said, adding:
“I extend my best wishes to Muslims everywhere for a blessed month as you observe the Ramadan traditions of charity, fasting, and prayer. May God bless you and your families.”
His war on Islam reveals his real agenda, his words hollow, his aggression continuing in multiple theaters - no “joy” during Ramadan or any other time of year in affected countries.
His arms sale to Saudi Arabia is all about supporting terrorism, not combating it, assuring endless regional slaughter, destruction and turmoil. Trump’s neocon-infested administration and despotic allies reject peace and stability. Conflicts rage with no prospects for ending them any time soon, the spirit of Ramadan violated year-round. 


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STEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  ( ) Visit his blog site at

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Trump’s war on Islam reveals his real agenda, his words hollow, his aggression continuing in multiple theaters – no “joy” during Ramadan or any other time of year in affected countries.
His arms sale to Saudi Arabia is all about supporting terrorism, not combating it, assuring endless regional slaughter, destruction and turmoil. Trump’s neocon-infested administration and despotic allies reject peace and stability. Conflicts rage with no prospects for ending them any time soon, the spirit of Ramadan violated year-round.
